I am now writing a blog, can you cope! If anyone is going to read this I must advise you that I am a talker not a writer, so sometimes the way I try explain things is not always how I meant them to be explained. Does that make any sense? Well, I think that is a perfect example of what I am trying to say…
We are three friends, who have been together for years. By being together I mean that we were in our 20’s when we met and over the years stayed in touch, no matter where we found ourselves in the world. I’m not going to mention any names as this is my blog and hey, some privacy should be held in life. Let me just explain that we have been there for each other now for over 25 years and now we all find ourselves in a drift less current and we are in out mid 40’s.
We are all well travelled.
We are all from different backgrounds.
We are all different personalities.
We are a mixture of gay and straight.
We are men and woman.
We are all in the same drift less boat, looking for our direction as to “WHAT NOW?”
It’s from one of these talks that we have had that I decided to first, find out how to get a blog, and then secondly, put it out there and see who else is faced with the same situation. I say situation because I think it’s part of a growing process in our lives and is most definitely not a negative situation, even though we all feel like it is a negative time! Maybe this can be a sounding board for all of us to help each other through this period and be a guide to our next phase. Let’s make it an exciting phase!
I have had a damn interesting life. I come from a basic lower-class background but had a drive to get me to where I wanted to go. And I succeeded in almost all the things I have put my mind to. I have travelled the world working as an entertainer, and I got where I wanted to because I wanted to succeed. I had no official studies in the entertainment field and just worked really hard at getting things done to help me in the next segment of motivating myself forward.
Gosh, I feel exhausted just thinking about all the things, but that is all in the past and I will probably refer to it occasionally, the entertainment and travel experiences, and that’s why I am putting it down here as a source of general information. I then reached an age that I started feeling like I did not want to be on stage with younger talent. I looked like I could be their father and that’s when things had to change.
I became a Cruise Director and absolutely LOVED the job. Dealing with people on a day to day basis and finding ways to get them entertained on a cruise ship. Not an easy job, but by god, what satisfaction I got out of that. Then the company went bust during the Iraqi war and the SARS breakout. I was then about to turn 40 and had no idea what next in my life’s journey. I then came to South Africa and went into my brothers business and became a financial advisor.
Talk about a change in direction!
But that is to show that one of my firmly held beliefs is that you can do ANYTHING you want to as you are the controller of your life.
I threw myself into the work, built up my client base and received financial rewards as well as awards from my peers. But I woke up one morning to find that I was actually bored shitless with the work.
I give my heart and soul to everything I do and yet the clients had the opportunity to control what outcome I would have. This is where my insecurities started as to what I am doing with my life.
I’m now 45, and still working as a financial advisor, as we all have bills to pay, but I am no longer happy.
I have spoken to my friends and as we are the same age and I find that we are all feeling the same way about what’s happening in our lives. I speak to other acquaintances and started realizing that we are not so unique in feeling like we are.
A doctor who became a salesman
A lawyer who became a florist
An architect who is looking to open a travel agency
An estate agent who wants to go in to marketing
And countless others who are looking to change their life
We are all in our 40s and we are all looking for a little excitement in our lives, be it professionally or personally, because one thing we all seem to have in common is the realization of how quickly time has passed since we were 20!
I am a motivator of people and I am an excellent public speaker; that much I have come to realize about myself. My self esteem is at 0 at the moment because I am not happy, satisfied or enjoying what I am doing, but because of a financial strain feeling forced to do it. I am looking for someone to help me get into these fields yet I find it so easy to help others get to where they want to be.
I have become the sounding-board for friends and strangers alike, and would love to go into that line of work, if that line of work exists.
So, in summing up the start of this blog, last night chatting with one of my old friends we came up with the idea of me starting a blog and this is the start! I aim to tell you not only about what I feel and think and what challenges I am being faced with in the various things I am interested in, but want to invite whoever reads this to write me and tell me their thoughts, their feelings and their experiences of having changed, or going through this change which seems to be happening to so many of us. And I do believe it mostly people in their 40’s but have come across others who are in their mid to late 30’s, so it’s not specific to the age group but is specific to life having been lived and now the challenge is being faced!
Maurice, me gusta que hayas creado este blog donde poder expresar vivencias personales. Aunque mi ingles esta un poco olvidado creo que he entendido la idea que quieres expresar y intentaré, pero en español, expresar las mías.
ReplyDeleteDesde mi punto de vista, creo que el reto de vivir, o el hecho de tener una vida interesante y plena consiste, como tu bien dices, en intentar conseguir aquello que nos proponemos. En salvar todos los obstáculos que a lo largo del camino nos encontramos y por encima de todo hacerlo con honestidad y siendo conscientes de nuestras posibilidades.
Yo siempre he pensado que puedes enfocar tu trayectoria de dos maneras: dentro del marco tradicional que la sociedad misma nos limita o de forma arriesgada y espontanea con un espíritu aventurero y desafiante.
En el primer caso me refiero a lo que la mayoría de las personas hacemos por comodidad, por estabilidad, por miedo a lo desconocido, etc, es decir, vamos a la escuela para preparar una formación profesional futura, encontramos un trabajo, una pareja, unos hijos, un piso, un coche, unas vacaciones al año, un restaurante favorito, unas tardes de domingo en el sofá viendo la tele...en definitiva una vida monótona que nos lleva sin darnos cuenta a la vejez sin realmente haber disfrutado de la infinidad de oportunidades que nos da la vida. Aunque muy respetable para aquellos que la practican o la practicamos.
El segundo caso lo formarían aquellas personas que tienen unos objetivos claros y luchan por conseguirlos sin atarse a convencionalismos. Aquellas personas que saben, porque les sale de dentro, lo que quieren ser o lo que quieren hacer en diferentes etapas de su vida, y se lanzan a conseguirlo. Aquellas personas que por encima de todo prima su felicidad y no les importa arriesgar lo que sea necesario para llegar a aquello que, de forma permanente o temporal, les proporciona una satisfacción personal.
Evidentemente, entre los dos extremos hay casos intermedios y soy consciente que existen muchos factores que condicionan en cada momento tu vida. Por ejemplo, hoy en día con la crisis económica es muy arriesgado tener un comportamiento aventurero, y seguramente, lo más prudente es adoptar una actitud conservadora hasta que pase el vendaval.
Creo que, puesto que hoy en día el trabajo se ha convertido en el hilo conductor de nuestras vidas hasta el punto que condiciona nuestro estado de ánimo y todo lo que gira a nuestro alrededor (la familia, la pareja, los amigos, los hobbys, etc), el punto idóneo esta en saber jugar entre los dos extremos. Alternar entre los momentos que podemos arriesgar y luchar por aquello que deseamos y entre aquellos momentos en que es mejor ser conformistas con una vida mas monótona. Pero claro esta, sin perder la ilusión y el ánimo por seguir adelante.
Te quiero muchísimo
Great BLOG, I am of the same age BUT do not feel it, I have more energy than before, only thing is I cant do the all niters no more.
ReplyDeleteKeep blogging
Martin, Espero que seguiras leyendo. Me caie las lagrimas de felicidad leyendo tu mensaje porque somos todos en esta vida juntos, para compartirla juntos y pasar buenos y malos momentos juntos! Quien somos si no hay nadie para dar la reconocimiento de nuestras vidas al final.
ReplyDeleteLa vida no esta echo como un destino sino un viaje a que nos enfrenta cada dia, cada hora y cada minuto de nuestras vidas
Si escribo estas sentimientos me da una sentimiento de "estar Vivo' y al mismo tiempo compartir como me va pasando con los que son mis amigos. Sabes que me cuesta mucho expresar mis sentimientos y puede ser que con esta blog lograre soltar todo lo que hay dentro.
Estoy en un crisis personal ahora mismo, y se que no durara, pero solo sabiendo que hay gente como tu que me apoyo, me lo hace sentir que hay motivo para salir de esta crisis y crecer en mi vida. xxx
My most beautiful, wonderful friend, I am so proud of you for taking a step and sharing your thoughts and many times our thoughts with all of us who stand on the same mountain, or sit in the same pit! You have been holding my hand through one of the darkest journeys. We have laughed and cried and through it all become family forever. I love your words, they inspire me, your thoughts I so identify with, strengthen me, and your journey I recognize as part of my own. We are in this together,through the good, the bad and the ugly, so keep writing, because as you do, you will notice so many lives, experiences and journeys all traveling in parallels to you, we are never alone!
ReplyDeleteTe felicito Maurice por tu capacidad de expresar y de llegar. De dar este importante paso.
ReplyDeleteGracias por, de una forma u otra estar aqui.
No hemos podido tratarnos mas cercana y personalmente, únicamente, porque venimos conocidos, por un enlace. Quizás a través de los blogs podremos saber uno mas del otro y tener una conexión directa. En lo poco que pueda darte, te doy apoyo, consideración, respeto y amor. Keep walking.