“This year, may we give Thanks for still being around to drink from earth’s fountain!Give thanks for having your loved ones, friends and family to share your tears, laughter and sorrow.”
These are words that I wrote in my 2001 Thanks Giving message regarding the Sept 11 disaster we all lived through!
It seems like the world most certainly has grown smaller since then and yet the smaller it grows the more crazy it seems to be getting. The advantages of international communications and the accessibility of almost anything in anyplace, leaves me wondering why so much craziness still continues.
What is it that we really want? Have you ever stopped a moment to ask yourself that particular question? A question that almost everyone has a simple answer to; to be happy.
Happiness to me is a goal that we all aim to achieve, yet somehow it seems to elude so many of us as we go in search of where we think happiness should be found. This does not mean that we are unhappy all the time but just perhaps looking for a better form of happiness that we currently find ourselves in. Is the grass really greener on the other side? Are we so wrapped up in everyday activities that we don’t see our present state of happiness with clear eyes? The happiness we strive so hard to achieve is really right inside all of us all the time. If only we would take a moment longer each day to actually listen to that wonderful inner voice that we all have and change it to a positive voice, to find out what we are really looking for! Maybe if we understood ourselves and our own faults first would we be able to see life with a clearer vision. My one good friend told me she read that we should enjoy paradise while we are in it, but too often we are so busy worrying about the wrongs and stresses in our lives that we forget we are in paradise and when we have moved on, we then regret so much of what we had the opportunity to do, and did not do.
Maybe we should take time to actually smell the roses.
Being nice to other people is highly promoted in everyday walks of life, yet no one seems to promote the necessity of being nice to you, yourself. Maybe if we started with ourselves we wouldn’t find so many terrorist attacks, murders and basic street violence that occur every day, in every corner of the earth. Mother earth! The mother that really does unite us all as a family and yet we land up being so self destructive within our individual families.
When will the human race start realising that we only get one chance to live? Regardless of your faith, religion or to where ever you believe you are taken to in the hereafter, you still only have one chance to make this life good here and now; to be happy and to make others happy!
Maybe by being nice to yourself we will see how much easier it is to be nice to others; other religions, other nations and other orientations!
Why then is it that what everyone wants is basic happiness, in a world where communication is overflowing in resources, that we do we not seem to get this communication across?
Maybe this would be a great starting point for us all to help spread the word of what we want to everyone else and build up the communication levels that would open the doors behind which we may find happiness. Why not then be happy for the simple fact that you can communicate? That you can be happy with what you have? That you are able to bring a little sunshine into someone’s life?
We should never be too busy to remember that we are not alone and that someone out there would really like to hear from us.
The simple fact that this evening my two friends and I, who are all in a dark space at the moment, had time to snap at each other, eat with each other and in the end laugh with each other, making each and every one of us realise that we do have those moments of paradise in our everyday lives. Thanks girls for being part of my paradise and thanks to my boys for being in my paradise. It may seem dark at times, but the laughter and sharing sure puts a bright light on to show us all that we do live in a paradise, albeit an imperfect one at times.
Let’s all take time to smell the roses!
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