I know its been a while since I’ve written. Its been 7 weeks of non smoking and I have now finished all three my projects that needed to be presented last week and which took up a lot of my time and energy, but the studies need to be completed (personal goal). Its tough trying to work and study at the same time and then try live life – but its not un - achievable and I do believe its all about your attitude as to how you deal with life in general!
Ive been looking for my cup and in the process found that I am actually the cup! Does that make any sense? Let me explain:
I recently read an article by Dr Robert Anthony where he posed this analogy:
People living in scarcity and struggle see the cup as half empty
People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full
People who understand their true connection to the source energy see the cup as overflowing
People who live in the flow and in alignment know they are the cup
I looked at how I have been for quite some time now, delving into myself through coaching sessions, therapy and self study. I think I have gone through all these stages at some point but when I look at the way I am as a person, I think I am the cup.
I think I’ve have taken my meditation to the next level where I am now visualizing increasingly clearer with every session. I visualize through the day and I manifest what I want verbally and vocally to the universe. I give thanks all the time. Thanks for the things that have happened through the day and thanks for having so many wonderful people in my life. I think we all really do have so much to be thankful for; just take a minute to think about it and you will soon see how much there is too say thanks for.
I look at what Ive lost - and I do mean in the materialistic way - and realize that I cant take it with me once I pass on and become energy in the universe. It would’ve frightened me in the past to have worked so hard all my life and now, through my own doing, land up living with 3 suite cases, in a rented place and actually being happier with myself than I have been in a long time. IT no longer does. I feel the love the universe is giving me and I feel the acceptance of who I am and what I am and I feel that I no longer fight against it.
I feel like a better person as I realize I can be a receiver in life and not just a giver. I can listen and not talk. I can give and not have to receive. I can be a contradiction to myself and be ok with it. You see I realize I have found myself again. It seems like I had forgotten who I really was and perhaps that’s why I always felt like life was a struggle. My greatness is not dependant on what I accomplish. I am great, you are great, we are all great; we are all unique creatures and that in itself makes us all great!
I am the cup because I am receiving things every day from the universe, from friends, from my love, from my family, from unknown strangers I cross paths with on the street.
The more I can hold, the more I can contribute to others thirst.
my pics
True happiness shared!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Choosing happiness
I have been doing well for a while now. My emotions are feeling stronger and I have still not smoked in over 3 weeks. Out of the blue I have a sensitive day. Out of the blue someone close to me does something very unselfish and it makes me cry. Out of the blue someone closer still starts to feel flat and boy oh boy, does it make me hit the bottom of the pit!
I went to bed tonight sobbing. Sobbing because I realize there is so much in life that I am unable to do anything about. Sobbing because what I want I can’t seem to have, because realistically, it’s not in my hands to take but rather in someone else’s to give. It hurts. It hurts because I want to be able to take the pain away from others and carry it with me, so that they don’t have to carry it. I know I can’t as that’s not how life is designed to be lived and we all have our own burdens to carry, be it emotional or physical pain. I know I am carrying a lot of emotional pain, because of things I am to blame for in the past, and I wonder – is there ever a time that you get over the emotional pain or does it just become part of your blueprint as a person in the future? All I know is that right now I feel so empty inside.
I think I realized tonight that I need to choose happiness. Only I can make myself happy. I am to answer for my mistakes and I am to answer for my joy. I speak daily to the universe to help me and I give thanks on a daily basis for what the universe has giving me. My words are what shape my future – by vocalizing what I want, the universe is and has given it to me. Do I need to be more careful in what I am asking for, I think not – but I do believe that I need to perhaps think about how I ask, for what I ask, as there are many ways to say something and there are many ways that that something could be understood.
And I think the understanding comes from the mood I am in. So I need to choose happiness. I need to choose what my heart and my mind and my soul all want - happiness. I have always been a happy person, and I have been responsible for that happiness all by myself. Am I now projecting my insecurities on others who in turn are now holding back on their emotions creating an unhappiness that we don’t really want?
I think I need to choose my words more carefully and choose my actions to match. Why is there this mismatch in what I say and what I do sometimes? Or is there? Those comments that I make everyday - should be positive, filled with optimism and put a smile on your face because I believe it will become infectious. This way we can all be happy in our own way, in our own lives, and on our own paths. This way we could all be saying positive things to one another and building on a brighter happier present and future. This way we train our unconscious minds to think and do positive happy things without us even thinking about what we are doing.
But we have to be aware of it first and train ourselves to do this every day and every moment in every action, word and response we make. Once our subconscious mind is set to do all this we will undoubtedly be in a happier space and our manifestations to the universe will align more to what we want and with whom we want to be.
So I’m choosing happiness.
I aim to make my life happy so that I can spread the love, the joy and the happiness that is inside me – and show it to you and you and you. I can live a better life. I can achieve my goals. I need to choose my words carefully spreading positive messages and I need to keep smiling – it’s very difficult to think negatively when you are smiling.
I believe in my heart soul and mind that things can and will get better. I need to stop the sobbing and I need to be more positive and supportive and get over myself.
I choose happiness.
I went to bed tonight sobbing. Sobbing because I realize there is so much in life that I am unable to do anything about. Sobbing because what I want I can’t seem to have, because realistically, it’s not in my hands to take but rather in someone else’s to give. It hurts. It hurts because I want to be able to take the pain away from others and carry it with me, so that they don’t have to carry it. I know I can’t as that’s not how life is designed to be lived and we all have our own burdens to carry, be it emotional or physical pain. I know I am carrying a lot of emotional pain, because of things I am to blame for in the past, and I wonder – is there ever a time that you get over the emotional pain or does it just become part of your blueprint as a person in the future? All I know is that right now I feel so empty inside.
I think I realized tonight that I need to choose happiness. Only I can make myself happy. I am to answer for my mistakes and I am to answer for my joy. I speak daily to the universe to help me and I give thanks on a daily basis for what the universe has giving me. My words are what shape my future – by vocalizing what I want, the universe is and has given it to me. Do I need to be more careful in what I am asking for, I think not – but I do believe that I need to perhaps think about how I ask, for what I ask, as there are many ways to say something and there are many ways that that something could be understood.
And I think the understanding comes from the mood I am in. So I need to choose happiness. I need to choose what my heart and my mind and my soul all want - happiness. I have always been a happy person, and I have been responsible for that happiness all by myself. Am I now projecting my insecurities on others who in turn are now holding back on their emotions creating an unhappiness that we don’t really want?
I think I need to choose my words more carefully and choose my actions to match. Why is there this mismatch in what I say and what I do sometimes? Or is there? Those comments that I make everyday - should be positive, filled with optimism and put a smile on your face because I believe it will become infectious. This way we can all be happy in our own way, in our own lives, and on our own paths. This way we could all be saying positive things to one another and building on a brighter happier present and future. This way we train our unconscious minds to think and do positive happy things without us even thinking about what we are doing.
But we have to be aware of it first and train ourselves to do this every day and every moment in every action, word and response we make. Once our subconscious mind is set to do all this we will undoubtedly be in a happier space and our manifestations to the universe will align more to what we want and with whom we want to be.
So I’m choosing happiness.
I aim to make my life happy so that I can spread the love, the joy and the happiness that is inside me – and show it to you and you and you. I can live a better life. I can achieve my goals. I need to choose my words carefully spreading positive messages and I need to keep smiling – it’s very difficult to think negatively when you are smiling.
I believe in my heart soul and mind that things can and will get better. I need to stop the sobbing and I need to be more positive and supportive and get over myself.
I choose happiness.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I was asked recently why it is I am not blogging everyday as I had people waiting to see how I was doing and what I was going through. Nice to know that there are people out there waiting for me, but it got me thinking about the “waiting” that we all do in our lives.
Are we all just waiting to die?
Everything we do in life seems to revolve around waiting for something or other. We wait in traffic to get to work; we work and wait for a tea-break then lunch break then tea break so that we can go home. At home we wait for the kettle to boil while we start preparing dinner and then we wait to watch out favorite TV show and then off to bed. Sometimes we even wait to sleep. We even wait to hear what’s going on in others lives…
Since my return, I have been busy, not waiting for anything to happen except taking the bull by the horns and making things happen – all within my own means. I am self employed and with the fact that I’ve been away for more than half of July, I had to get my butt into gear to try making some sort of income. I am also in the process of studying and I have 3 projects due 17th August as well as working on my portfolio career, as you have all heard me mention previously. These include my life coaching and on occasions my photography, not huge income streams but most definitely things I have a passion for, enjoy and able to make a few bucks from at the same time. Then fitting in the normal things in my life, like going to the gym, cooking, cleaning, and scouting for new clients…
I’ve given this so much thought this week. Do I have a clear cut answer as to what the answer is– I’m not too sure because I don’t know if I am waiting for anything at all. I’m not too sure because as much as I know I do stress about not having a financial backing to support me in times of financial hardships like I feel I am in at the moment, I also find that I am not unhappy now as to when this happened to me previously. Does this make any sense at all? Are we all just waiting for a paycheck at the end of the day in some form or another and is this why we are waiting?
What I do know is that I am writing the blog when I am able to put my thoughts and emotions on paper. I have been writing everyday as I normally do, working on my own pages, writing my own feelings and looking at how to continue improving my life for a great future, and in a lot of instances I place these pages on the blog. What I have been waiting for which I think has now arrived, is the realization that I have changed and I have grown. A friend recently emailed me and commented that it’s the first time in a few years that he sees I am starting to get my strength back through the way I am dealing with my life, my emotions and my ambitions. He says he’s waited a long time to see me get my strength back again and it made him smile to see that the wait was worth it. Very encouraging words to me those.
What am I waiting for? What are you waiting for? What are we all waiting for?
I’m sure it’s not just about dying but rather about someone taking note of who we are what we are doing and where we are going.
I wasn’t waiting to hear my friends encouraging words but I must admit his encouragement has made me feel like the wait to start realizing my progress is all so worth it because of those few words written in an email by him.
So, are we all just waiting for some form of recognition?
Are we all just waiting to die?
Everything we do in life seems to revolve around waiting for something or other. We wait in traffic to get to work; we work and wait for a tea-break then lunch break then tea break so that we can go home. At home we wait for the kettle to boil while we start preparing dinner and then we wait to watch out favorite TV show and then off to bed. Sometimes we even wait to sleep. We even wait to hear what’s going on in others lives…
Since my return, I have been busy, not waiting for anything to happen except taking the bull by the horns and making things happen – all within my own means. I am self employed and with the fact that I’ve been away for more than half of July, I had to get my butt into gear to try making some sort of income. I am also in the process of studying and I have 3 projects due 17th August as well as working on my portfolio career, as you have all heard me mention previously. These include my life coaching and on occasions my photography, not huge income streams but most definitely things I have a passion for, enjoy and able to make a few bucks from at the same time. Then fitting in the normal things in my life, like going to the gym, cooking, cleaning, and scouting for new clients…
I’ve given this so much thought this week. Do I have a clear cut answer as to what the answer is– I’m not too sure because I don’t know if I am waiting for anything at all. I’m not too sure because as much as I know I do stress about not having a financial backing to support me in times of financial hardships like I feel I am in at the moment, I also find that I am not unhappy now as to when this happened to me previously. Does this make any sense at all? Are we all just waiting for a paycheck at the end of the day in some form or another and is this why we are waiting?
What I do know is that I am writing the blog when I am able to put my thoughts and emotions on paper. I have been writing everyday as I normally do, working on my own pages, writing my own feelings and looking at how to continue improving my life for a great future, and in a lot of instances I place these pages on the blog. What I have been waiting for which I think has now arrived, is the realization that I have changed and I have grown. A friend recently emailed me and commented that it’s the first time in a few years that he sees I am starting to get my strength back through the way I am dealing with my life, my emotions and my ambitions. He says he’s waited a long time to see me get my strength back again and it made him smile to see that the wait was worth it. Very encouraging words to me those.
What am I waiting for? What are you waiting for? What are we all waiting for?
I’m sure it’s not just about dying but rather about someone taking note of who we are what we are doing and where we are going.
I wasn’t waiting to hear my friends encouraging words but I must admit his encouragement has made me feel like the wait to start realizing my progress is all so worth it because of those few words written in an email by him.
So, are we all just waiting for some form of recognition?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I found this poem to be so apt - and wanted to share it with you all:
About the poet - William Ernest Henley (August 23, 1849 - July 11, 1903) was a British poet, critic and editor.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
About the poet - William Ernest Henley (August 23, 1849 - July 11, 1903) was a British poet, critic and editor.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Love thyself
Aligning myself with the possibilities that are available to me ahead is in itself a great motivating factor. A week of adjusting to a new life is something that seems like such a short time and not really possible to do, but I think that the rough patch of “clearing out” over the past few months has made the transition a little quicker and easier.
I have friends and I have love in my life and I am realizing that I have fantastic memories to look back on. New memories are now in the making and new possibilities are available to everyone. My vibration levels are picking up and with that the possibilities of new manifestations are making everything seem so much clearer again in my life. Its about the energy levels that are recharged, re-motivated, re – re – re- re …..
Its still a shaky feeling but the shakiness seems to be getting better as I sleep better and have clearer concepts developing in my mind. I am able to visualize again and with that so much becomes clearer for a fantastic life of possibility and a life filled with love, friendships, family and desire. I have hope again, and I have desire to build a bright future for myself and my love.
Ive come to realize that friendship is what drives most of us. It’s the connection we have between me and you, you and me, and in all aspects we and humanity. We are all really social creatures and its that interaction between us that makes friendship lasting and enduring - although not all friendships last for a full life time. Friendship is what drives us to happiness and in reality can turn into love and even into family. In this period of turmoil I realize how lucky I am to have not only love but also friendships that are not like ships passing in the night unnoticed, unheard, or unseen; friendships that show no favor to choosing sides, but rather to be supportive of all of us as individuals. Friendships that support your decisions and encourage you to follow your own path because its these friendships that truly want for you to be happy in your core. It’s a blessing to have these friendships and I am blessed.
Ive not written everyday as Ive not really had the inclination to do so. Its been a week of adjustments and within those adjustments Ive had to work, study and basically acclimatize myself to the magnificent new life ahead of me. I have to look at all the motivating factors that push me forward and I have to be grateful to myself, to you, to the universe, to my friends, to my family, to everyone. Its not just a honeymoon phase of bliss, but a deeply felt and deeply ‘known’ sense of positivity and strength.
Somehow we are all motivating each other even if at times it does not seem to be so. Motivation comes from so many different arenas and comes in so many disguises I’ve realized. I’ve realized this through the silent motivation I felt when a friend told me this week that I was his ‘person’ that he looked up to. Here I felt that I was being a bit of a mess coming to terms with all the emotional turmoil after years of suppressing it only to find that the actions Ive taken have been an encouragement to others.
Some have called me human some have called me strong. What I do know is that Im feeling happiness inside that gives me a light that I feel shinning through my soul. I am human and I am strong. I am also real; what Ive come to realize is that facing the reality is what makes me human and is what makes me strong. There’s been a lot of hurt and there’s been a lot of growth but these lessons, both hurt and growth have obviously come when the universe felt that I was ready to deal with them. As I said earlier, my vibrations are picking up and my manifestations are becoming clearer. I know what to ask for and I know what I want.
Today makes it 14 days as a non smoker; with its own turmoil’s, its own hills to climb and its own elephants to eat. Lots of encouragement from people all around me and lots of support – but I must say its starting to make me feel different again. I don’t smell the stench on my clothes, on my breath and even on my sweat. My mouth feels like it is clean.
I believe in giving thanks. I give thanks every day and I encourage you all to do the same. Be grateful for the small mercies in life and celebrate the big ones. We cant take anything with us, so enjoy it to the max in the here and now.
Love yourself.
I have friends and I have love in my life and I am realizing that I have fantastic memories to look back on. New memories are now in the making and new possibilities are available to everyone. My vibration levels are picking up and with that the possibilities of new manifestations are making everything seem so much clearer again in my life. Its about the energy levels that are recharged, re-motivated, re – re – re- re …..
Its still a shaky feeling but the shakiness seems to be getting better as I sleep better and have clearer concepts developing in my mind. I am able to visualize again and with that so much becomes clearer for a fantastic life of possibility and a life filled with love, friendships, family and desire. I have hope again, and I have desire to build a bright future for myself and my love.
Ive come to realize that friendship is what drives most of us. It’s the connection we have between me and you, you and me, and in all aspects we and humanity. We are all really social creatures and its that interaction between us that makes friendship lasting and enduring - although not all friendships last for a full life time. Friendship is what drives us to happiness and in reality can turn into love and even into family. In this period of turmoil I realize how lucky I am to have not only love but also friendships that are not like ships passing in the night unnoticed, unheard, or unseen; friendships that show no favor to choosing sides, but rather to be supportive of all of us as individuals. Friendships that support your decisions and encourage you to follow your own path because its these friendships that truly want for you to be happy in your core. It’s a blessing to have these friendships and I am blessed.
Ive not written everyday as Ive not really had the inclination to do so. Its been a week of adjustments and within those adjustments Ive had to work, study and basically acclimatize myself to the magnificent new life ahead of me. I have to look at all the motivating factors that push me forward and I have to be grateful to myself, to you, to the universe, to my friends, to my family, to everyone. Its not just a honeymoon phase of bliss, but a deeply felt and deeply ‘known’ sense of positivity and strength.
Somehow we are all motivating each other even if at times it does not seem to be so. Motivation comes from so many different arenas and comes in so many disguises I’ve realized. I’ve realized this through the silent motivation I felt when a friend told me this week that I was his ‘person’ that he looked up to. Here I felt that I was being a bit of a mess coming to terms with all the emotional turmoil after years of suppressing it only to find that the actions Ive taken have been an encouragement to others.
Some have called me human some have called me strong. What I do know is that Im feeling happiness inside that gives me a light that I feel shinning through my soul. I am human and I am strong. I am also real; what Ive come to realize is that facing the reality is what makes me human and is what makes me strong. There’s been a lot of hurt and there’s been a lot of growth but these lessons, both hurt and growth have obviously come when the universe felt that I was ready to deal with them. As I said earlier, my vibrations are picking up and my manifestations are becoming clearer. I know what to ask for and I know what I want.
Today makes it 14 days as a non smoker; with its own turmoil’s, its own hills to climb and its own elephants to eat. Lots of encouragement from people all around me and lots of support – but I must say its starting to make me feel different again. I don’t smell the stench on my clothes, on my breath and even on my sweat. My mouth feels like it is clean.
I believe in giving thanks. I give thanks every day and I encourage you all to do the same. Be grateful for the small mercies in life and celebrate the big ones. We cant take anything with us, so enjoy it to the max in the here and now.
Love yourself.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A new beginning
On shaky ground I arrived in Cape Town. Shaky because so much that I have taken for granted for so long turned out to be something that I was only suppressing for just as long a period. Shaky is not a bad place to be, because I think it heightens the senses to other things that are surrounding you and making you aware of what the possibilities are, ahead.
I started with my body and my diet. The next thing on that list of mine was to become a Non Smoker; not a quitter (negative connotations that I’m trying to stay away from in all aspects) and not an ex smoker – a Non Smoker. I’m taking one bight at a time, one day at a time and albeit on shaky ground I know that someone has taken a leap of faith for me, and that is a very special sense of confidence to be placed in when I am feeling so shaky.
It’s a world of possibilities ahead now and I am going to make it work. I need to listen, not speak so much. I need to continue nurturing and not just doing because I feel a sense of guilt or responsibility, but because it makes me feel good and it makes others feel good. I feel my vibrations are starting to be clear vibrations and I think that this clarity is also helping me manifest in a better way. I feel like my intuition is helping me manifest in the right way and I think the meditation process is also making me calm my mind. My energy levels will pick up and my vibrations will improve. I go back to the saying, there are none so blind as those who do not see; I am starting to see again - and I have faith.
As with all new beginnings I think - better said - I know I will make mistakes. It’s like the process of a new born trying to touch everything discovering the senses that they elicit when touching for the first time. That same baby that starts to crawl, then stand, then walks and then runs. Each process is a shaky one and each process has countless amounts of falls before perfecting the process and moving on.
There is hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel and of course I most certainly feel that I have love all the way. It’s the love that gives me the strength to proceed and motivate me to succeed on this journey of mine. I am coming to terms with all the emotions that I’ve been going through and I am aware of the mess ups as well as the advances that I have made. I’m most certainly not proud of all the steps that I’ve been through but mostly they now seem to be inevitable to the way the universe is leading me.
I am grateful for the past that I have shared. I would not want to change it as I would be a different person writing if that were the case. I want to cherish those memories and look back on a past with a smile and a warm happiness in my heart. We have to move on, but move on with a good feeling, once all this turmoil has settled.
Its now time for new beginnings, new memories and new happiness’s on a journey that will make us all happy to be crossing each other’s paths along the way. Lets us give thanks for those special memories that we did have the time to share and lets look forward to the amazing possibilities that lie ahead for each and every one of us.
Let’s celebrate new beginnings together.
I started with my body and my diet. The next thing on that list of mine was to become a Non Smoker; not a quitter (negative connotations that I’m trying to stay away from in all aspects) and not an ex smoker – a Non Smoker. I’m taking one bight at a time, one day at a time and albeit on shaky ground I know that someone has taken a leap of faith for me, and that is a very special sense of confidence to be placed in when I am feeling so shaky.
It’s a world of possibilities ahead now and I am going to make it work. I need to listen, not speak so much. I need to continue nurturing and not just doing because I feel a sense of guilt or responsibility, but because it makes me feel good and it makes others feel good. I feel my vibrations are starting to be clear vibrations and I think that this clarity is also helping me manifest in a better way. I feel like my intuition is helping me manifest in the right way and I think the meditation process is also making me calm my mind. My energy levels will pick up and my vibrations will improve. I go back to the saying, there are none so blind as those who do not see; I am starting to see again - and I have faith.
As with all new beginnings I think - better said - I know I will make mistakes. It’s like the process of a new born trying to touch everything discovering the senses that they elicit when touching for the first time. That same baby that starts to crawl, then stand, then walks and then runs. Each process is a shaky one and each process has countless amounts of falls before perfecting the process and moving on.
There is hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel and of course I most certainly feel that I have love all the way. It’s the love that gives me the strength to proceed and motivate me to succeed on this journey of mine. I am coming to terms with all the emotions that I’ve been going through and I am aware of the mess ups as well as the advances that I have made. I’m most certainly not proud of all the steps that I’ve been through but mostly they now seem to be inevitable to the way the universe is leading me.
I am grateful for the past that I have shared. I would not want to change it as I would be a different person writing if that were the case. I want to cherish those memories and look back on a past with a smile and a warm happiness in my heart. We have to move on, but move on with a good feeling, once all this turmoil has settled.
Its now time for new beginnings, new memories and new happiness’s on a journey that will make us all happy to be crossing each other’s paths along the way. Lets us give thanks for those special memories that we did have the time to share and lets look forward to the amazing possibilities that lie ahead for each and every one of us.
Let’s celebrate new beginnings together.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Where to from here?
The openness and freeing of emotional turmoil leaves us all drained, exhausted and tired. Why is there a need to get things out into the open and why do I not just bottle it up and keep it to myself? Would I grow as a person and would I be able to be a full man by keeping all these emotions bottled up as I have for so long? I seem to be going back to the drawing board again as to how to plot my journey forward – but I do know that I want one that is true to who I am and true to the journey that I have taken.
It’s been very hard to face my own faults, holding that mirror up in the process to see what the true colour of my eyes really are. The sad and heart wrenching thing is that in the process others get hurt, and that is exactly what I did not want – but I do realize that being loved ones they want me to grown and improve, no matter how hard they themselves are hurting.
I just feel like an absolute demon making others feel like this.
My fears of facing myself and the areas in my life that need to be cleaned up are not getting easier to handle. The fears I can deal with I suppose, it’s the realization that every turn I make I land up hurting another loved one. I said the other day that there are so many facets of love, but we are all loved and we are all hurt in life while others make the changes necessary to their lives. I just sometimes wish life could be more simplified – not so many analysts analyzing so much of what we do and say, or react and do. What happened to the good old days when a psychologist was something you went to only if you seriously needed help. Then the therapist became fashionable, and I am one that believes now, that everyone should have their own therapist to deal with the rush that happens in our everyday lives.
I still feel terrible; my emotions are freeing themselves up and others are getting hurt. So I ask myself, is it all worth it?
Where do I go from here, after all the emotions are dissected, machine washed, hand rinsed and tumbled, and I land up sitting on my bed knowing that its been long overdue, yet still I feel like the recognition of my mistakes and my failures, have not been grasped by others. Only time can prove that I have learnt and that I am learning.
It’s a tough life but I’m trying to make it better. I head back to Cape Town today, single, heart sore but still not smoking after 7 days! The only thing I feel that I can be proud of myself for right now.
It’s been very hard to face my own faults, holding that mirror up in the process to see what the true colour of my eyes really are. The sad and heart wrenching thing is that in the process others get hurt, and that is exactly what I did not want – but I do realize that being loved ones they want me to grown and improve, no matter how hard they themselves are hurting.
I just feel like an absolute demon making others feel like this.
My fears of facing myself and the areas in my life that need to be cleaned up are not getting easier to handle. The fears I can deal with I suppose, it’s the realization that every turn I make I land up hurting another loved one. I said the other day that there are so many facets of love, but we are all loved and we are all hurt in life while others make the changes necessary to their lives. I just sometimes wish life could be more simplified – not so many analysts analyzing so much of what we do and say, or react and do. What happened to the good old days when a psychologist was something you went to only if you seriously needed help. Then the therapist became fashionable, and I am one that believes now, that everyone should have their own therapist to deal with the rush that happens in our everyday lives.
I still feel terrible; my emotions are freeing themselves up and others are getting hurt. So I ask myself, is it all worth it?
Where do I go from here, after all the emotions are dissected, machine washed, hand rinsed and tumbled, and I land up sitting on my bed knowing that its been long overdue, yet still I feel like the recognition of my mistakes and my failures, have not been grasped by others. Only time can prove that I have learnt and that I am learning.
It’s a tough life but I’m trying to make it better. I head back to Cape Town today, single, heart sore but still not smoking after 7 days! The only thing I feel that I can be proud of myself for right now.
Monday, July 12, 2010
My heart is sore. Do I have a cold heart? Sometimes I wonder do I even have a heart at all.
I look at all the hurt I seem to create and I wonder -is my heart frozen?
I am feeling so fragile yet it seems the people that surround me are even more delicate and fragile than I could ever be, and all because of my doing. I’m not even sure I can explain the hurt I see in their eyes and it leaves me feeling like such a defeated soul. I have never intended to hurt anyone, yet all I seem to do is create destruction in the hearts of the ones I love. Is there a cure for this, or is the cure just to end it all for youself leaving no more grief to be created in the future for the others in our life.
I sit in a country that I call my own, while everyone is celebrating late into the night the fortune and joy of having just won their first World Cup. I hear the fireworks and all the car hooters. I hear the cheers and songs of people in the street. I hear such a sense of joy in the air and all I can wish is that it was contagious - that I could be infected with a sense of happiness.
I know my heart is not a cold one and that my heart is not frozen. How is it then that I make such bad judgments’ that do leave others hurt and me feeling soulless in the process. How much more can one soul really take before self combustion takes place freezing your heart entirely, and do I want to be like that in the first place?
For the first time ever I feel like I am taking ownership of my emotions. I am facing what I feel - but as I go along stumbling through these realizations I have also managed to hurt the two people I love. I feel like I should be saying I’m Sorry all the time, but also know that actions speak louder than words. I just wish I knew what the action was to be able to take control of it or let it take control of me first.
I think we are all feeling so exhausted individually that we tend to get lost on the way - or is it that I am the only one that is truly lost and doesn’t know his way to a better righter future. How do you show your emotions? Will I ever be able to show them completely? I’m trying so hard to do just that, show my emotions; discuss them, be prepared to share what has always embarrassed me previously or just get them out to make sure that I am able to express myself freely.
I just feel to too tired to write anymore tonight. It’s been a hectic week for all, and another one lies ahead.
I give thanks to the universe as my 1st day as a non smoker has also passed.
I look at all the hurt I seem to create and I wonder -is my heart frozen?
I am feeling so fragile yet it seems the people that surround me are even more delicate and fragile than I could ever be, and all because of my doing. I’m not even sure I can explain the hurt I see in their eyes and it leaves me feeling like such a defeated soul. I have never intended to hurt anyone, yet all I seem to do is create destruction in the hearts of the ones I love. Is there a cure for this, or is the cure just to end it all for youself leaving no more grief to be created in the future for the others in our life.
I sit in a country that I call my own, while everyone is celebrating late into the night the fortune and joy of having just won their first World Cup. I hear the fireworks and all the car hooters. I hear the cheers and songs of people in the street. I hear such a sense of joy in the air and all I can wish is that it was contagious - that I could be infected with a sense of happiness.
I know my heart is not a cold one and that my heart is not frozen. How is it then that I make such bad judgments’ that do leave others hurt and me feeling soulless in the process. How much more can one soul really take before self combustion takes place freezing your heart entirely, and do I want to be like that in the first place?
For the first time ever I feel like I am taking ownership of my emotions. I am facing what I feel - but as I go along stumbling through these realizations I have also managed to hurt the two people I love. I feel like I should be saying I’m Sorry all the time, but also know that actions speak louder than words. I just wish I knew what the action was to be able to take control of it or let it take control of me first.
I think we are all feeling so exhausted individually that we tend to get lost on the way - or is it that I am the only one that is truly lost and doesn’t know his way to a better righter future. How do you show your emotions? Will I ever be able to show them completely? I’m trying so hard to do just that, show my emotions; discuss them, be prepared to share what has always embarrassed me previously or just get them out to make sure that I am able to express myself freely.
I just feel to too tired to write anymore tonight. It’s been a hectic week for all, and another one lies ahead.
I give thanks to the universe as my 1st day as a non smoker has also passed.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The mirror effect
Its been a hell of a weekend emotionally. I was prepared for talks, I was prepared to stand my ground and I was prepared to come clean. In a flash it was augmented at just how much I needed to do it and even with my mental preparations, the tears flowed freely.
A very good friend emailed me last night to ask me why I did not confront it 5 months ago when I was faced with it. My response was fear. I realized this morning that 5 months ago I had not even begun to know that I needed a mirror. I never had the tools and I was in denial to myself about whom it is I really am. In 5 months I see that I have grown; perhaps not as much as I would like because my impatience with myself is something that I am dealing with on a different level in my psyche. But in 5 months I have started coming to terms with everything I have done and all the work I need to do to move forward.
I started with my body and I started with my diet. These were the two things that I knew I could deal with and could feel good about as I would see a physical difference and we all need a little recognition when we have a purpose. 3 months ago I snapped and 3 months ago I found the mirror and 3 months ago I started with the basic tools that many have already when they are in their teens. I cant blame anyone for who I am today, except myself, but I do realize that I have been emotionally stunted because of the emotionless upbringing that I had. It was a sink or swim situation and my survival technique kicked in and I swam, to stay alive. I didn’t have the time to worry about emotions.
As I sit here I realize how much I could have missed if the realities had not come crashing down on me like a landslide in a rocky mountainous region. I am the one to blame and I am the one that needs to fix it up. Perhaps its too late in certain areas – time will tell, but I can only try. I am coming to terms with my emotions and I am burying my fear of facing those emotions. I go back to my loves’ saying of – there are none so blind as those who do not see. My vision has been impaired for a while, although it wasn’t always, so now I sit here and I start letting the tears roll so that I can clear my vision again and look on at myself with new eyes, new hopes, new aspirations, perhaps it’s the mirror that I’ve cleaned up with my tears as well.
I feel exceptionally fragile and drained right now but I feel lighter and like I have found my first building block towards my future. As I sit here I sit here in all realities as a single man who now has a stepping stone to take a leap of faith forward and find the next stones that I can step with as I move along. The most encouraging thing is that I know I am not alone. The worst thing is that I have also somehow pulled a muscle in my gluteus and I am battling to sit normally. It is funny really, but sore.
I have love in my life and I have support from the most special people in my life. The mirror has shown me this weekend that the cleansing of the soul is the seed to creating and growing of the love I need for myself.
I’ve made a solid promise to myself to continue forward so that I can grow and flourish.
A very good friend emailed me last night to ask me why I did not confront it 5 months ago when I was faced with it. My response was fear. I realized this morning that 5 months ago I had not even begun to know that I needed a mirror. I never had the tools and I was in denial to myself about whom it is I really am. In 5 months I see that I have grown; perhaps not as much as I would like because my impatience with myself is something that I am dealing with on a different level in my psyche. But in 5 months I have started coming to terms with everything I have done and all the work I need to do to move forward.
I started with my body and I started with my diet. These were the two things that I knew I could deal with and could feel good about as I would see a physical difference and we all need a little recognition when we have a purpose. 3 months ago I snapped and 3 months ago I found the mirror and 3 months ago I started with the basic tools that many have already when they are in their teens. I cant blame anyone for who I am today, except myself, but I do realize that I have been emotionally stunted because of the emotionless upbringing that I had. It was a sink or swim situation and my survival technique kicked in and I swam, to stay alive. I didn’t have the time to worry about emotions.
As I sit here I realize how much I could have missed if the realities had not come crashing down on me like a landslide in a rocky mountainous region. I am the one to blame and I am the one that needs to fix it up. Perhaps its too late in certain areas – time will tell, but I can only try. I am coming to terms with my emotions and I am burying my fear of facing those emotions. I go back to my loves’ saying of – there are none so blind as those who do not see. My vision has been impaired for a while, although it wasn’t always, so now I sit here and I start letting the tears roll so that I can clear my vision again and look on at myself with new eyes, new hopes, new aspirations, perhaps it’s the mirror that I’ve cleaned up with my tears as well.
I feel exceptionally fragile and drained right now but I feel lighter and like I have found my first building block towards my future. As I sit here I sit here in all realities as a single man who now has a stepping stone to take a leap of faith forward and find the next stones that I can step with as I move along. The most encouraging thing is that I know I am not alone. The worst thing is that I have also somehow pulled a muscle in my gluteus and I am battling to sit normally. It is funny really, but sore.
I have love in my life and I have support from the most special people in my life. The mirror has shown me this weekend that the cleansing of the soul is the seed to creating and growing of the love I need for myself.
I’ve made a solid promise to myself to continue forward so that I can grow and flourish.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Many facets of love
I arrived safely to a very hot and muggy Barcelona. The sun is bright and the atmosphere is that of lazy European Summers, having a siesta after lunch and waiting for it to cool down to feel a little normal again. The flight felt very long but the most amazing thing is that I got to fly in the new A 380 double decker airbus from Johannesburg to Paris. It still amazes me how something so big can take to the sky with the ease of a bird that’s using its wings.
Having not slept on the flight I had time to think about what has happened in my life over the past four months of being away. I had time to see that I have grown as a person and as Charles recently said “put on your seat-belt as its going to be a hell of a journey”. I see that journey as a journey of love.
I wonder sometimes about love and I wonder about the many facets that we are faced with on a daily basis in the love that surrounds us. There are so many ways to love so many things, but the emotional let-go, I suppose, is the one that we are challenged with in the most unusual way. We love, fall in love and have love that is shared by friends and family, each type of love being unique and different. Its not that you love one more than the other, but rather just differently, and many times its miss-understood by others as to the amount of love that you share with one, or another.
How can one expect a mother, who has two children, to choose the one she loves best? We can’t, because she loves them both equally but differently. Its not something you can place you finger on, or show in a physical sense. It’s a metaphysical phenomenon that takes place within all of us. We don’t always understand things like love but we do most definitely feel them, like a wind that blows cool air on our faces when its hot. We don’t understand the dynamics of how it works but we feel the result and we know that it exists.
Ive explained a few times of the luck I have in my life of having two loves. I feel it in my heart and in my soul, I know it is there every day and every waking and sleeping moment but I can’t physically show it as one would show a beautiful diamond or a new designer jacket. I carry it with my like I carry the skin on my body. I cant help the fact that I feel like this and I cant help the feeling of hurt that wrenches out my heart when I hear that these loves of mine have moved on. I can reason with it through the mind, but that feeling of utter loss and hurt is as strong as the very love that I have that I wear with me.
I realized on the plane last night that I will never be able to explain completely what I am going through; perhaps I don’t have to. What I did realize last night is that no matter what the outcome, I will always have these marvelous feelings for the people I love. Can I understand completely the love that they have for me, as too, can they understand the utter love I have for them? Does it go back to a previous topic, of doing everything for ourselves first and feeling selfish in the process, Im not sure? I don’t want to believe that love is selfish and I don’t want to believe that we love for selfish reasons.
I do know that I am very emotional today again, very hot and feeling a mixed sense of joy and sadness, about something that I realize I have no say in – because I can only be responsible for my own life and my own feelings and yes, the love that I have for others. I know that I believe love is worth fighting for and whether it be selfish or not, it’s the rewards of having love in your life that’s worth all the turmoil we go through to get to where we are.
I am in love, I have love, I give love and I most definitely receive love.
Why then do I still feel so sad in my hearrt?
Having not slept on the flight I had time to think about what has happened in my life over the past four months of being away. I had time to see that I have grown as a person and as Charles recently said “put on your seat-belt as its going to be a hell of a journey”. I see that journey as a journey of love.
I wonder sometimes about love and I wonder about the many facets that we are faced with on a daily basis in the love that surrounds us. There are so many ways to love so many things, but the emotional let-go, I suppose, is the one that we are challenged with in the most unusual way. We love, fall in love and have love that is shared by friends and family, each type of love being unique and different. Its not that you love one more than the other, but rather just differently, and many times its miss-understood by others as to the amount of love that you share with one, or another.
How can one expect a mother, who has two children, to choose the one she loves best? We can’t, because she loves them both equally but differently. Its not something you can place you finger on, or show in a physical sense. It’s a metaphysical phenomenon that takes place within all of us. We don’t always understand things like love but we do most definitely feel them, like a wind that blows cool air on our faces when its hot. We don’t understand the dynamics of how it works but we feel the result and we know that it exists.
Ive explained a few times of the luck I have in my life of having two loves. I feel it in my heart and in my soul, I know it is there every day and every waking and sleeping moment but I can’t physically show it as one would show a beautiful diamond or a new designer jacket. I carry it with my like I carry the skin on my body. I cant help the fact that I feel like this and I cant help the feeling of hurt that wrenches out my heart when I hear that these loves of mine have moved on. I can reason with it through the mind, but that feeling of utter loss and hurt is as strong as the very love that I have that I wear with me.
I realized on the plane last night that I will never be able to explain completely what I am going through; perhaps I don’t have to. What I did realize last night is that no matter what the outcome, I will always have these marvelous feelings for the people I love. Can I understand completely the love that they have for me, as too, can they understand the utter love I have for them? Does it go back to a previous topic, of doing everything for ourselves first and feeling selfish in the process, Im not sure? I don’t want to believe that love is selfish and I don’t want to believe that we love for selfish reasons.
I do know that I am very emotional today again, very hot and feeling a mixed sense of joy and sadness, about something that I realize I have no say in – because I can only be responsible for my own life and my own feelings and yes, the love that I have for others. I know that I believe love is worth fighting for and whether it be selfish or not, it’s the rewards of having love in your life that’s worth all the turmoil we go through to get to where we are.
I am in love, I have love, I give love and I most definitely receive love.
Why then do I still feel so sad in my hearrt?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The ripple effect
I received an email tonight that questioned: could a butterfly flapping its wings, create a hurricane on the other side of the world? I think we’ve all heard a version of this question. If we kill a bee it has a disastrous effect on the earth 4 years later. If we kill all the bee’s the earth could be barren in a few short years. There are many that Ive heard, but it got me wondering, about what I call the Ripple Effect, and how it effect’s us in our everyday lives.
You see many years ago, I was excitedly planning on going to Thailand to do a job with a young talented lady. The evening before we were bound for Thailand the young lady’s mother told her she couldn’t go. I was left distraught and jobless. I met with another friend in Johannesburg who gave me a few numbers to call in Europe. I called that same day and within a week I was working and living in Barcelona, Spain. That was over 20 years ago. Today I call Barcelona my home; I have my loves in Barcelona and my family, my dogs - my home in all senses of the word.
How different would my life be today if the young lady’s mother had left her to go to Thailand?
This evening I sat with my friends in Cape Town and I was reminded of another friend (sitting with us at dinner) who, going through a questionable journey in her life herself, was wondering what to do next. On a Friday evening sitting in a local pub having a few drinks the question was asked if anyone knew of someone who could work for a friend. My friend said “I can do that”, landed the job and has just finished doing the CNN TIME WARNER FORTUNE 500 Congress, with speakers like Bill Clinton and more!
How different would her life have been these past three months if she were not in that particular pub, on that particular night?
Are our lives actually just made up of coincidences as we move along this journey we call life or are we, at times, in a different ‘zone’ that allows us to pick up on certain unforeseen events that do actually mould our lives further?
As I excitedly prepare to go home again tomorrow I sit here wondering what life lays ahead for me on this journey that I am faced with. Not the journey to Barcelona, but the next stepping stone that seems to be a metaphysical stone, placed before me by the universe, to cross another road, another river, another field of dreams. I find that life has suddenly become exciting again as I consider this concept and the ripple effect it could have on my life.
I sit here tonight being so grateful for my life. I sit here being grateful for all the wondrous turns, changes in direction and bumps that have made this journey so far, so interesting. I am grateful for the people that I have in my life, the people that I’ve lost in my life and the people who just crossed through my life.
MOST of all I sit here being grateful for the young lady’s mother who would not let her go to Thailand. Be thankful everyone – there really is a lot to be thankful for.
You see many years ago, I was excitedly planning on going to Thailand to do a job with a young talented lady. The evening before we were bound for Thailand the young lady’s mother told her she couldn’t go. I was left distraught and jobless. I met with another friend in Johannesburg who gave me a few numbers to call in Europe. I called that same day and within a week I was working and living in Barcelona, Spain. That was over 20 years ago. Today I call Barcelona my home; I have my loves in Barcelona and my family, my dogs - my home in all senses of the word.
How different would my life be today if the young lady’s mother had left her to go to Thailand?
This evening I sat with my friends in Cape Town and I was reminded of another friend (sitting with us at dinner) who, going through a questionable journey in her life herself, was wondering what to do next. On a Friday evening sitting in a local pub having a few drinks the question was asked if anyone knew of someone who could work for a friend. My friend said “I can do that”, landed the job and has just finished doing the CNN TIME WARNER FORTUNE 500 Congress, with speakers like Bill Clinton and more!
How different would her life have been these past three months if she were not in that particular pub, on that particular night?
Are our lives actually just made up of coincidences as we move along this journey we call life or are we, at times, in a different ‘zone’ that allows us to pick up on certain unforeseen events that do actually mould our lives further?
As I excitedly prepare to go home again tomorrow I sit here wondering what life lays ahead for me on this journey that I am faced with. Not the journey to Barcelona, but the next stepping stone that seems to be a metaphysical stone, placed before me by the universe, to cross another road, another river, another field of dreams. I find that life has suddenly become exciting again as I consider this concept and the ripple effect it could have on my life.
I sit here tonight being so grateful for my life. I sit here being grateful for all the wondrous turns, changes in direction and bumps that have made this journey so far, so interesting. I am grateful for the people that I have in my life, the people that I’ve lost in my life and the people who just crossed through my life.
MOST of all I sit here being grateful for the young lady’s mother who would not let her go to Thailand. Be thankful everyone – there really is a lot to be thankful for.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Be well
Over the past few weeks I’ve been looking at how I attract things into my life, when I attract them and what are the seeming processes prior to getting to these peak states that I’ve been achieving. I remember the night I decided I needed to relook at myself, the night I stripped all my clothes off and had a real good look at who I was, what I didn’t like about myself, what I did like about myself and then I looked into my eyes and started picking and noting the things that I wanted to change.
I cried that night when I looked at how much of me I wanted to change. I remember putting on my underwear, making a cup of coffee, sitting at my dining room table with pen and paper in hand and I began to write from the top what it was I wanted to change.
1. My body
2. My diet
There is a lot on that list of mine and I have been working through it as I go along. Four months ago I decided to look at my elephant and see how I could eat it one chunk at a time. These were the two that I started with, that I thought were manageable for me to deal with and then the rest I would take one bight at a time.
I sat with my friend tonight and we were chatting about how my body is changing and how I feel like my biorhythms are getting to be in a better place. I know the endorphins that are released through my gym work – outs, ballet classes, mountain climbing, walks along the beach and watching the way I have been eating has made a startling difference to the person I saw in the mirror. I know its sounds very superficial taking care of the outside, but its all part of me and who I am. This body is my body and this mind and these emotions are all mine, so I need to start someplace and that’s what Ive done.
Im not talking about the fact that Ive gone from being little Lotta to the Incredible Hulk but rather that I notice and see the difference in myself and after all, we are our biggest critics in everything we do. I know the healthier eating habits have not only contributed towards a healthier body, but also to a healthier mind and all these little things combined make for a better stronger person; spiritually , mentally and emotionally.
I feel proud that my friend has noticed the changes in me and my body, but I feel prouder still that I started with my list and that I am seeing some results bear fruit!
Ill be leaving for Barcelona on Friday and will be out of Cape Town for two weeks spending time with my loved ones, my dogs and my family! It’s a very exciting prospect and I may not have time to blog every day but I will try to blog at least a few times.
Now I am adding some summer to the healthier body and healthier mind ( with a lot of sunscreen) but I think that I may even get a boost with a good dose of Vitamin D. What I do know is that I feel like the attraction of good things is aligning itself to me and my life right now and a great way to leave for a vacation. I actually think I deserve it!
I cried that night when I looked at how much of me I wanted to change. I remember putting on my underwear, making a cup of coffee, sitting at my dining room table with pen and paper in hand and I began to write from the top what it was I wanted to change.
1. My body
2. My diet
There is a lot on that list of mine and I have been working through it as I go along. Four months ago I decided to look at my elephant and see how I could eat it one chunk at a time. These were the two that I started with, that I thought were manageable for me to deal with and then the rest I would take one bight at a time.
I sat with my friend tonight and we were chatting about how my body is changing and how I feel like my biorhythms are getting to be in a better place. I know the endorphins that are released through my gym work – outs, ballet classes, mountain climbing, walks along the beach and watching the way I have been eating has made a startling difference to the person I saw in the mirror. I know its sounds very superficial taking care of the outside, but its all part of me and who I am. This body is my body and this mind and these emotions are all mine, so I need to start someplace and that’s what Ive done.
Im not talking about the fact that Ive gone from being little Lotta to the Incredible Hulk but rather that I notice and see the difference in myself and after all, we are our biggest critics in everything we do. I know the healthier eating habits have not only contributed towards a healthier body, but also to a healthier mind and all these little things combined make for a better stronger person; spiritually , mentally and emotionally.
I feel proud that my friend has noticed the changes in me and my body, but I feel prouder still that I started with my list and that I am seeing some results bear fruit!
Ill be leaving for Barcelona on Friday and will be out of Cape Town for two weeks spending time with my loved ones, my dogs and my family! It’s a very exciting prospect and I may not have time to blog every day but I will try to blog at least a few times.
Now I am adding some summer to the healthier body and healthier mind ( with a lot of sunscreen) but I think that I may even get a boost with a good dose of Vitamin D. What I do know is that I feel like the attraction of good things is aligning itself to me and my life right now and a great way to leave for a vacation. I actually think I deserve it!
States of flow
I thought I had a crappy day yesterday. I was ready to just let the day be over, get into bed and sleep it away so as to awake this morning feeling refreshed and revitalized for a new day! So much changes so quickly in my life, I realized!
Having shut down my laptops, my cell-phone rang and I received an unexpected call from a friend in Italy! Being such an unexpected surprise call, my first reaction was “what’s wrong?” Thankfully there was nothing wrong, but in the process of a half hour telephone call I went through various emotions that moved me into such a good place emotionally. While I was on this long distance call I noted my phone beeping to see another call coming through which I returned once I had finished with my friend. It happened to be another friend who had just been given my number, and a person whom I had not spoken to in over a year! Another surprise!
IT got me thinking this morning about my mood swings in a matter of about 45 minutes. I had an embarrassing moment where I even blushed, I laughed, I listened, I spoke, but most importantly I thought of everything else but the Crappy day that I had and I went to bed with a smile on my face and thanked the universe for another day! I realized this morning that we are all faced with various states of thought and emotion. Recently I listened to a tele-seminar about how Thought + Emotion = Attraction! Is this what actually happened to me last night? As my thought patterns changed, my emotions lifted remarkably and I felt the attraction of being in a better state.
How do we call on these ‘peak-states’ to maintain a great sense of flow within ourselves, to make us feel better? Ive understood now that the “thought” part is who we want to be; the “emotion” part is what’s happening at present which is what gives us the “attraction” of what we are faced with at that moment. I think what I did come to understand is that we need to be happy NOW – this very moment.
Being happy now - with goals which are set for our future - allows us these peak states. I think what I need to start noting is what the development is to reach this peak state and note also when I am in the peak state. This peak state is a sense of happiness that allows good thoughts, good feelings and basically just having a smile all over your body, known also as a fabulous mood!
I want to be in this space all the time, don’t we all? I do know that thanks to a very special friend making the effort to call and chat, and a surprise long lost friend’s call I felt fantastic; I still do. A short brief moment has left a long standing sense of happiness within my soul and I can only say THANK YOU.
Perhaps we should all note that sometimes its nice to just call and say hello, no matter where you may be. It puts a smile in someone’s heart that may really need it at that moment in time. Unbeknownst to my friends, that is exactly what happened last night and I sit here today with a huge smile on my face still!
Today I feel my cosmic attraction is at a peak not reached in a long time! I need to accept that the universe will lead me in the right direction at times, and I don’t have to fight it.
Having shut down my laptops, my cell-phone rang and I received an unexpected call from a friend in Italy! Being such an unexpected surprise call, my first reaction was “what’s wrong?” Thankfully there was nothing wrong, but in the process of a half hour telephone call I went through various emotions that moved me into such a good place emotionally. While I was on this long distance call I noted my phone beeping to see another call coming through which I returned once I had finished with my friend. It happened to be another friend who had just been given my number, and a person whom I had not spoken to in over a year! Another surprise!
IT got me thinking this morning about my mood swings in a matter of about 45 minutes. I had an embarrassing moment where I even blushed, I laughed, I listened, I spoke, but most importantly I thought of everything else but the Crappy day that I had and I went to bed with a smile on my face and thanked the universe for another day! I realized this morning that we are all faced with various states of thought and emotion. Recently I listened to a tele-seminar about how Thought + Emotion = Attraction! Is this what actually happened to me last night? As my thought patterns changed, my emotions lifted remarkably and I felt the attraction of being in a better state.
How do we call on these ‘peak-states’ to maintain a great sense of flow within ourselves, to make us feel better? Ive understood now that the “thought” part is who we want to be; the “emotion” part is what’s happening at present which is what gives us the “attraction” of what we are faced with at that moment. I think what I did come to understand is that we need to be happy NOW – this very moment.
Being happy now - with goals which are set for our future - allows us these peak states. I think what I need to start noting is what the development is to reach this peak state and note also when I am in the peak state. This peak state is a sense of happiness that allows good thoughts, good feelings and basically just having a smile all over your body, known also as a fabulous mood!
I want to be in this space all the time, don’t we all? I do know that thanks to a very special friend making the effort to call and chat, and a surprise long lost friend’s call I felt fantastic; I still do. A short brief moment has left a long standing sense of happiness within my soul and I can only say THANK YOU.
Perhaps we should all note that sometimes its nice to just call and say hello, no matter where you may be. It puts a smile in someone’s heart that may really need it at that moment in time. Unbeknownst to my friends, that is exactly what happened last night and I sit here today with a huge smile on my face still!
Today I feel my cosmic attraction is at a peak not reached in a long time! I need to accept that the universe will lead me in the right direction at times, and I don’t have to fight it.
Monday, June 28, 2010
My Core Energies
Is it possible to do and be anything? After reading what I wrote yesterday I went back and listened to two chapters of the Secret. The Secret does promote that we can do anything, be anything and achieve anything we want.
It got me wondering if that is at all possible for each individual. Does this not rely a lot on our own personalities and the likes and dislikes that each of us have? What I mean is that IF I like to dance and I have an interest in it and go ahead and do it, is it not more likely that I will succeed in it as apposed to Basket-ball that I have no interest in whatsoever? IS it possible for me to start playing basket-ball, practice it a lot and then succeed in it as well? I think not.
I do believe that each and every one of us has our core beliefs and our core likes/dislikes. I think that these are almost ingrained into us like our DNA, which is what makes each and everyone of us unique. Does it mean that we can challenge ourselves to the point of actually doing something that we don’t like and don’t really want to do? Does this mean that our motivations for these dislikes are changeable as well and can we sell it to ourselves to start doing things we never really liked in the first place? Why would we want to do them anyway?
I am often confronted by aspects of what I like, as apposed to what others expect from me. I do want to be able to help others and feel that I am giving back as well as making sure that I am able to nurture these others, to gain what is good for them in their lives. I know that I always challenge myself to do things that I think will help me in my life but I am also aware that as a caring human I will go out of my way to help others and have often landed up doing things that I don’t really want to do.
If I look at my upbringing and the strength that was indirectly imposed on my by my parents, I start questioning all these things in the life that I live. I seem to often be living according to others expectations of me and somewhere along the line I find that I have denied myself the total happiness that I could have. I do tend to put my desires on the back burner if there is something that I can do for others when they need or ask for my help. IS that right or wrong? I have a good friend who does everything for herself first and then takes care of others thereafter. Am I missing the point and is this selfish or not?
In my search for my positive energies, I realized last night that I need to release these guilty feelings to helping myself first. I need to recognize where I am able to help others to my best ability and then I need to do the right thing for myself, although it does seem to come across as selfish. These are tough decisions to make and to change. These are constant training sessions that I need to give myself and my inner voice critic that is sometime so harsh on me and what I am doing.
Sometimes like today, it just gets all too much for me and I have a real CRAPPY day, to say the least. Im exhausted mentally, emotionally and even physically. I feel like all the work Im putting into this journey should be chucked out the window of a fast moving train and I should just give up and register myself as lost on my own road!
Then I have a good dinner, do a calm meditation and remind myself that all roads are not smooth, and that it’s my core energy that I am using to smooth these roads. Isn’t it only logical then that I will feel tired and drained and just wanting to burst into tears? Still doesn’t help me really, but I suppose I do at least have hope in that Im looking to find the solutions to my challenges as it’s the solutions that matter, not the challenges.
But some days I just can’t face them and actually don’t want to. Am I allowed to feel crappy, get into bed and say thanks for a crappy day, tomorrow is another day?
I just feel too exhausted to think or do anything right now!
It got me wondering if that is at all possible for each individual. Does this not rely a lot on our own personalities and the likes and dislikes that each of us have? What I mean is that IF I like to dance and I have an interest in it and go ahead and do it, is it not more likely that I will succeed in it as apposed to Basket-ball that I have no interest in whatsoever? IS it possible for me to start playing basket-ball, practice it a lot and then succeed in it as well? I think not.
I do believe that each and every one of us has our core beliefs and our core likes/dislikes. I think that these are almost ingrained into us like our DNA, which is what makes each and everyone of us unique. Does it mean that we can challenge ourselves to the point of actually doing something that we don’t like and don’t really want to do? Does this mean that our motivations for these dislikes are changeable as well and can we sell it to ourselves to start doing things we never really liked in the first place? Why would we want to do them anyway?
I am often confronted by aspects of what I like, as apposed to what others expect from me. I do want to be able to help others and feel that I am giving back as well as making sure that I am able to nurture these others, to gain what is good for them in their lives. I know that I always challenge myself to do things that I think will help me in my life but I am also aware that as a caring human I will go out of my way to help others and have often landed up doing things that I don’t really want to do.
If I look at my upbringing and the strength that was indirectly imposed on my by my parents, I start questioning all these things in the life that I live. I seem to often be living according to others expectations of me and somewhere along the line I find that I have denied myself the total happiness that I could have. I do tend to put my desires on the back burner if there is something that I can do for others when they need or ask for my help. IS that right or wrong? I have a good friend who does everything for herself first and then takes care of others thereafter. Am I missing the point and is this selfish or not?
In my search for my positive energies, I realized last night that I need to release these guilty feelings to helping myself first. I need to recognize where I am able to help others to my best ability and then I need to do the right thing for myself, although it does seem to come across as selfish. These are tough decisions to make and to change. These are constant training sessions that I need to give myself and my inner voice critic that is sometime so harsh on me and what I am doing.
Sometimes like today, it just gets all too much for me and I have a real CRAPPY day, to say the least. Im exhausted mentally, emotionally and even physically. I feel like all the work Im putting into this journey should be chucked out the window of a fast moving train and I should just give up and register myself as lost on my own road!
Then I have a good dinner, do a calm meditation and remind myself that all roads are not smooth, and that it’s my core energy that I am using to smooth these roads. Isn’t it only logical then that I will feel tired and drained and just wanting to burst into tears? Still doesn’t help me really, but I suppose I do at least have hope in that Im looking to find the solutions to my challenges as it’s the solutions that matter, not the challenges.
But some days I just can’t face them and actually don’t want to. Am I allowed to feel crappy, get into bed and say thanks for a crappy day, tomorrow is another day?
I just feel too exhausted to think or do anything right now!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The different options available
I think many things have come my way on purpose during this period of growth. Perhaps its because Im more receptive to them and ready to open my mind to new ideas and new views. It’s fantastic!
I have come across a theory posed by an 82 year old man called the American Monk. His theory is that we all have the possibilities of various levels of living available to us all the time. He calls it quantum jumping and at first I found it a little hard to come to terms with but seem to finally understand what he is getting across and I think its a very interesting theory.
If you think of a radio and all the radio waves that are around us all the time, is the example that started making sense to me. The amounts of radio stations available to us at any time are many, but the receptor can only tune into one wave at a time. If we want to change the radio station we need to set the radio dial to another frequency and thereby pick up the new station.
The American Monk says our lives are the same. We have countless possibilities of how we can live our life. Depending on what frequency we are on is the way we live our life at that particular time. We do have the capability of changing the levels we are on by shifting our focus accordingly, like changing the radio stations, but it takes time and practice.
I read this with great interest. I thought about the Secret that seemed to be on everyone’s lips, mine included, a few years ago. Are we able to attract all the goodness into our lives? I do think we are able, but as with anything in our lives, we need to want to do this and be aware of the effort we put into it for it to take place in our lives. I have also read many writings on how the Secret is filled with holes and one cannot live your life just by wishing for it.
I know that I have had to change my way of thinking to get me where I am today. I have had to make a conscious effort to changing my inner voice of how I speak to myself and how I criticize myself as I go alone. I also notice that the more I do it and become aware of it, the easier it gets, as anything in my life that I make a concerted effort to practice.
Perhaps the possibilities that I have around me are endless and its up to me to change the radio frequency to be able to see them. I know that I am coming across a lot of people in the same position as I have been and I have been able to offer my thoughts from my perspective from my personal experience. Ive been giving thanks daily and now Ive been able to give back, in a way.
Does that mean that Ive started seeing different frequencies available to me in my life, Im not sure, but I do know that its an interesting theory and one Im reading up on more and more, because I think that there are so many theories available to all of us but we are only seeing them when we are ready to understand them. The universe does present us with options, I see that now.
I have come across a theory posed by an 82 year old man called the American Monk. His theory is that we all have the possibilities of various levels of living available to us all the time. He calls it quantum jumping and at first I found it a little hard to come to terms with but seem to finally understand what he is getting across and I think its a very interesting theory.
If you think of a radio and all the radio waves that are around us all the time, is the example that started making sense to me. The amounts of radio stations available to us at any time are many, but the receptor can only tune into one wave at a time. If we want to change the radio station we need to set the radio dial to another frequency and thereby pick up the new station.
The American Monk says our lives are the same. We have countless possibilities of how we can live our life. Depending on what frequency we are on is the way we live our life at that particular time. We do have the capability of changing the levels we are on by shifting our focus accordingly, like changing the radio stations, but it takes time and practice.
I read this with great interest. I thought about the Secret that seemed to be on everyone’s lips, mine included, a few years ago. Are we able to attract all the goodness into our lives? I do think we are able, but as with anything in our lives, we need to want to do this and be aware of the effort we put into it for it to take place in our lives. I have also read many writings on how the Secret is filled with holes and one cannot live your life just by wishing for it.
I know that I have had to change my way of thinking to get me where I am today. I have had to make a conscious effort to changing my inner voice of how I speak to myself and how I criticize myself as I go alone. I also notice that the more I do it and become aware of it, the easier it gets, as anything in my life that I make a concerted effort to practice.
Perhaps the possibilities that I have around me are endless and its up to me to change the radio frequency to be able to see them. I know that I am coming across a lot of people in the same position as I have been and I have been able to offer my thoughts from my perspective from my personal experience. Ive been giving thanks daily and now Ive been able to give back, in a way.
Does that mean that Ive started seeing different frequencies available to me in my life, Im not sure, but I do know that its an interesting theory and one Im reading up on more and more, because I think that there are so many theories available to all of us but we are only seeing them when we are ready to understand them. The universe does present us with options, I see that now.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The seeds of life being planted
We find all sorts of seeds being planted in our lives on a day to day basis. This is a process I refer to often. Think of yourself as the farmer who works the seed process.
The farmer
The farmer stands facing his land, the sun is rising in the east and the cocks are crowing all around him. Its spring and work needs to be done.
A farmer needs to first work the soil to get it to a good quality soil. This is done through toiling the soil, watering the soil and fertilizing the soil. The farmer needs to work his soil to aerate it. The farmer will do this process for a while before he is happy that it is ready. Sometimes its more difficult because a drought has dried the soil, or a black frost has covered the land. The ground may be hard and very dry and the farmer needs to toil and toil and toil – aerating all the time to get the ground loose and viable. The farmer works meticulously to make sure his soil is aerated. He does all the right things to ensure a healthy happy soil.
Once the farmer is happy with his soil preparation, he sets to work. He plans how he will grow his crop and in which patches he will grow what crop. He may even measure the distances between the seeds that he needs to plant, giving him an idea of how much he can grow over his land. He then starts his planting. Meticulously working and planting until his seeds are all planted.
He may need to fertilize some seeds more, but in general he will need to ensure that they are watered. The watering will help the seeds germinate and with a little luck he may even have a helping hand from nature, with a daily rain pour which will water his seeded ground as nature intended. Pretty soon the plants break ground as the seedlings curl their heads upwards, start stretching their stork spines and start the growing process of reaching for the sky.
Pretty soon the stalks are stretched tall and healthy and near fruit. The farmer looks at the land and smiles when the fruit is ready, as his hard work has paid off. He now starts to harvest his crop, sell it to the markets and soon, will start the whole process again as a new season enters and new crops get planted.
Occasionally the farmer has a bad season, because of a drought or even a flooding. Sometimes unexpected locusts attack or ants eat the roots. But it will pass and it will start anew again.
The analogy of the farmer is one I use often. It fits into many situations of everyday life. You can be the farmer working at your job, to bear the fruits thereof. I used to use it to train my staff teaching them how they need to work their prospects and nurture them through properly so that they can eventually bear the fruits that will carry them a long way.
Today I use it in the sense of how I look at the land as my life. I’ve been working the land, feeding it and watering it to get it to a point of seeding it for the future. Often I think the seeds are already planted and laying dormant for a good watering, and the processes I have been going through in my life sure makes me feel like I am at that stage of the farming process already. With hard work comes a lot of luck and I am starting to feel like my own self discovery is bearing fruit and a lot of seeds planted will bear more fruit as I continue.
Life is not always perfect, but it sure is exhilarating to feel like a farmer again with a new season ahead to nourish and strive towards a successful harvest.
Im harvesting my life! Try it, you may just like it!
The farmer
The farmer stands facing his land, the sun is rising in the east and the cocks are crowing all around him. Its spring and work needs to be done.
A farmer needs to first work the soil to get it to a good quality soil. This is done through toiling the soil, watering the soil and fertilizing the soil. The farmer needs to work his soil to aerate it. The farmer will do this process for a while before he is happy that it is ready. Sometimes its more difficult because a drought has dried the soil, or a black frost has covered the land. The ground may be hard and very dry and the farmer needs to toil and toil and toil – aerating all the time to get the ground loose and viable. The farmer works meticulously to make sure his soil is aerated. He does all the right things to ensure a healthy happy soil.
Once the farmer is happy with his soil preparation, he sets to work. He plans how he will grow his crop and in which patches he will grow what crop. He may even measure the distances between the seeds that he needs to plant, giving him an idea of how much he can grow over his land. He then starts his planting. Meticulously working and planting until his seeds are all planted.
He may need to fertilize some seeds more, but in general he will need to ensure that they are watered. The watering will help the seeds germinate and with a little luck he may even have a helping hand from nature, with a daily rain pour which will water his seeded ground as nature intended. Pretty soon the plants break ground as the seedlings curl their heads upwards, start stretching their stork spines and start the growing process of reaching for the sky.
Pretty soon the stalks are stretched tall and healthy and near fruit. The farmer looks at the land and smiles when the fruit is ready, as his hard work has paid off. He now starts to harvest his crop, sell it to the markets and soon, will start the whole process again as a new season enters and new crops get planted.
Occasionally the farmer has a bad season, because of a drought or even a flooding. Sometimes unexpected locusts attack or ants eat the roots. But it will pass and it will start anew again.
The analogy of the farmer is one I use often. It fits into many situations of everyday life. You can be the farmer working at your job, to bear the fruits thereof. I used to use it to train my staff teaching them how they need to work their prospects and nurture them through properly so that they can eventually bear the fruits that will carry them a long way.
Today I use it in the sense of how I look at the land as my life. I’ve been working the land, feeding it and watering it to get it to a point of seeding it for the future. Often I think the seeds are already planted and laying dormant for a good watering, and the processes I have been going through in my life sure makes me feel like I am at that stage of the farming process already. With hard work comes a lot of luck and I am starting to feel like my own self discovery is bearing fruit and a lot of seeds planted will bear more fruit as I continue.
Life is not always perfect, but it sure is exhilarating to feel like a farmer again with a new season ahead to nourish and strive towards a successful harvest.
Im harvesting my life! Try it, you may just like it!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Optimism found!
For a long time, my whole life in fact, I have always been an optimist. Its always a great day regardless of the weather and life is very good. That’s how Ive lived my life. I try not sweat the small stuff and I find the sunny side in every trying situation.
In this journey of mine I have come to realize that somewhere along the line over the past few years I became a pessimist. Horribly negative, although I would never admit it, and only seeing doom and gloom. I lost a lot of material things and that seemed to make me even more of a pessimist and only see more doom and gloom. At some point I even considered just ending it all!
I don’t know where the change happened or how it even happened. But it happened! It is through this period of regrouping myself that I have come to realize no matter what I thought, my inner voice was challenging me to the negative, and powerfully so. I would not see the glass as half full but half empty and I did not realize that even if it was half empty it was a lot more than many around me even had!
I would burst into tears for no apparent reason and embarrassingly so at the strangest of times and in the strangest of places. I constantly felt like I had the world on my shoulders and with that I constantly had my shoulders up around my ears. I would suffer from migraines and I would have a terrible feeling of gloom as the knot in my stomach would churn and churn. It was not fun and it is not something I would wish on anyone but it was very real to me.
Somewhere along this search of mine I seem to have just discovered again the optimistic Maurice that Ive always been. I realized this morning that these feelings of euphoria that Im feeling in the morning are lasting longer and longer and Im walking around with a smile on my face again, as well as in my heart. Happiness is not a co-incidence, it’s a choice. I choose to be happy, regardless of the challenges I am faced with. I feel that everyday is a great day again, and if it rains and the wind blows, well hey, enjoy the break from the strong African sun and take time to do more things indoors that I don’t get around to doing when the sun is always shinning.
You see, I think my DNA is optimistic. I think that even though I may have been a pessimist for a while, my inner voice through all this searching, has told my subconscious mind that I need to get over it already, and get back on track! I find that I am working better, and I am eating healthier. I don’t feel like I have the world on my shoulders and I notice that I can see my earlobes again as my shoulders are not hiding them. I now even think I have cute earlobes, what the hell!
I am manifesting everyday to myself; I feel Good, I feel Great, I feel Terrific!
I am taking time out to listen to my heart and meditate in silence that my heart is a good heart and that there is space for so much more. My manifestations are working and I believe in myself again. I have so much to offer the world and I have love in my life. I couldn’t see that for a while because of how dark I saw the world in the situation that I found myself. I spent a lot of solo time and I still do. One needs to do this to get to terms with ones self.
How can I give love if I don’t have any for myself? I see that now, and it feels good. Perhaps the pessimism was a necessity in my life for me to regroup myself, my heart and my mind. Perhaps this was the biggest learning curb of my life and SO WHAT if I loose everything and find myself scrapping by? Its only material stuff that I can carry in my hands, but I am a survivor and I am a wonderful person! The sun WILL come out again, and the difference now is that I believe it again!
I believe in myself and I believe in my journey!
I have found the optimism that my DNA has been blessed to have entwined within it!
I feel like I am on the right road of Be Do Get!
I am attracting many good things again and my magnets are starting to recharge and work towards the full strength of attracting all the goodness that I have everyday in my life. It’s been there all the time, Ive just been too pessimistic to see it!
In this journey of mine I have come to realize that somewhere along the line over the past few years I became a pessimist. Horribly negative, although I would never admit it, and only seeing doom and gloom. I lost a lot of material things and that seemed to make me even more of a pessimist and only see more doom and gloom. At some point I even considered just ending it all!
I don’t know where the change happened or how it even happened. But it happened! It is through this period of regrouping myself that I have come to realize no matter what I thought, my inner voice was challenging me to the negative, and powerfully so. I would not see the glass as half full but half empty and I did not realize that even if it was half empty it was a lot more than many around me even had!
I would burst into tears for no apparent reason and embarrassingly so at the strangest of times and in the strangest of places. I constantly felt like I had the world on my shoulders and with that I constantly had my shoulders up around my ears. I would suffer from migraines and I would have a terrible feeling of gloom as the knot in my stomach would churn and churn. It was not fun and it is not something I would wish on anyone but it was very real to me.
Somewhere along this search of mine I seem to have just discovered again the optimistic Maurice that Ive always been. I realized this morning that these feelings of euphoria that Im feeling in the morning are lasting longer and longer and Im walking around with a smile on my face again, as well as in my heart. Happiness is not a co-incidence, it’s a choice. I choose to be happy, regardless of the challenges I am faced with. I feel that everyday is a great day again, and if it rains and the wind blows, well hey, enjoy the break from the strong African sun and take time to do more things indoors that I don’t get around to doing when the sun is always shinning.
You see, I think my DNA is optimistic. I think that even though I may have been a pessimist for a while, my inner voice through all this searching, has told my subconscious mind that I need to get over it already, and get back on track! I find that I am working better, and I am eating healthier. I don’t feel like I have the world on my shoulders and I notice that I can see my earlobes again as my shoulders are not hiding them. I now even think I have cute earlobes, what the hell!
I am manifesting everyday to myself; I feel Good, I feel Great, I feel Terrific!
I am taking time out to listen to my heart and meditate in silence that my heart is a good heart and that there is space for so much more. My manifestations are working and I believe in myself again. I have so much to offer the world and I have love in my life. I couldn’t see that for a while because of how dark I saw the world in the situation that I found myself. I spent a lot of solo time and I still do. One needs to do this to get to terms with ones self.
How can I give love if I don’t have any for myself? I see that now, and it feels good. Perhaps the pessimism was a necessity in my life for me to regroup myself, my heart and my mind. Perhaps this was the biggest learning curb of my life and SO WHAT if I loose everything and find myself scrapping by? Its only material stuff that I can carry in my hands, but I am a survivor and I am a wonderful person! The sun WILL come out again, and the difference now is that I believe it again!
I believe in myself and I believe in my journey!
I have found the optimism that my DNA has been blessed to have entwined within it!
I feel like I am on the right road of Be Do Get!
I am attracting many good things again and my magnets are starting to recharge and work towards the full strength of attracting all the goodness that I have everyday in my life. It’s been there all the time, Ive just been too pessimistic to see it!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Seeking Your Passion
Nelson Mandela said to Marianne Williamson: “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.’
What a slap in the face to a reality check when I read those lines. Honest, real and to the point!
Am I living my life accordingly or am I missing the mark by not looking at the reality of what my life could be? I know that I have been on this journey and I am in search of getting to that mark when I know I will be excited again. I know that I have reached my Point A and I am now looking for my point B. I know that I have become a lot happier through sitting still and writing this blog as I have so much inside that just sits there otherwise, and I have taken the brave route of putting it out there and getting fantastic feedback from many people. It’s been a curious time that reminds me of a roller-coaster ride, and dare I say I love this rollercoaster ride, but would like to get to settled ground again and know that I have grown in the process of the ride!
What are you passions and are you living in the order of the passions you have? This was a question that I overheard at a table in a restaurant, which obviously piqued my interest tremendously, so much so that I just had to eavesdrop a little further. Between the hustling and bustling noise of the restaurant I understood that you should be looking for 5 passions in your life and then live your life according to those 5 passions.
One of the examples I did get to over hear was about putting someone as more important than yourself to enable you to show true love. The subject was about having a child, for you to realize that you are not as important when you have something like a child to take care of! I didn’t think it was a very good example as I know many excellent parents that still follow their passions without having less or more love for their children. In all fairness I did only hear parts of the whole conversation so can’t be too sure if this was an actual example being used to help the lady being spoken to get to her passions.
It did however get me thinking; what are my 5 passions? Do I need to have 5 passions and is it important to have something that is more important in my life than me?
What I do know is that I need to be living my life according to the passions I have. Perhaps I need to classify the importance of my passions to have a look at their importance’s in my life and if I am living accordingly to the order-importance of the passions. Perhaps I am trying too hard in certain areas and not getting the returns I need to be happy in that area? If I challenge myself with these orders perhaps I can change the way my life is lived.
Interesting things you read and then also over-hear in restaurants and coffee shops.
I do think that if I lived my life according to the importance of my passions I will probably find that I would actually change the way I live and probably be so much happier. Perhaps that is the way to find my Point B and get me there quickly.
Am I playing too small and not getting the best results that I should be getting, by not playing bigger? What am I capable of? Strangely Ive never posed that question to myself as I do think the human as a whole is capable of anything. I am capable of anything as are we all, but it’s the intention of each of us that is different and the end results being so different. I do understand the intention of Mr. Mandela’s statement and get excited thinking about the countless possibilities still to be achieved in my life.
I do need to think bigger and I do need to take note of the importances of my passions. It’s no use getting a mediocre result when I should be getting a fantastic result. The results are for me, for my life and for my journey.
Perhaps I need to work harder at seeking my passions.
What a slap in the face to a reality check when I read those lines. Honest, real and to the point!
Am I living my life accordingly or am I missing the mark by not looking at the reality of what my life could be? I know that I have been on this journey and I am in search of getting to that mark when I know I will be excited again. I know that I have reached my Point A and I am now looking for my point B. I know that I have become a lot happier through sitting still and writing this blog as I have so much inside that just sits there otherwise, and I have taken the brave route of putting it out there and getting fantastic feedback from many people. It’s been a curious time that reminds me of a roller-coaster ride, and dare I say I love this rollercoaster ride, but would like to get to settled ground again and know that I have grown in the process of the ride!
What are you passions and are you living in the order of the passions you have? This was a question that I overheard at a table in a restaurant, which obviously piqued my interest tremendously, so much so that I just had to eavesdrop a little further. Between the hustling and bustling noise of the restaurant I understood that you should be looking for 5 passions in your life and then live your life according to those 5 passions.
One of the examples I did get to over hear was about putting someone as more important than yourself to enable you to show true love. The subject was about having a child, for you to realize that you are not as important when you have something like a child to take care of! I didn’t think it was a very good example as I know many excellent parents that still follow their passions without having less or more love for their children. In all fairness I did only hear parts of the whole conversation so can’t be too sure if this was an actual example being used to help the lady being spoken to get to her passions.
It did however get me thinking; what are my 5 passions? Do I need to have 5 passions and is it important to have something that is more important in my life than me?
What I do know is that I need to be living my life according to the passions I have. Perhaps I need to classify the importance of my passions to have a look at their importance’s in my life and if I am living accordingly to the order-importance of the passions. Perhaps I am trying too hard in certain areas and not getting the returns I need to be happy in that area? If I challenge myself with these orders perhaps I can change the way my life is lived.
Interesting things you read and then also over-hear in restaurants and coffee shops.
I do think that if I lived my life according to the importance of my passions I will probably find that I would actually change the way I live and probably be so much happier. Perhaps that is the way to find my Point B and get me there quickly.
Am I playing too small and not getting the best results that I should be getting, by not playing bigger? What am I capable of? Strangely Ive never posed that question to myself as I do think the human as a whole is capable of anything. I am capable of anything as are we all, but it’s the intention of each of us that is different and the end results being so different. I do understand the intention of Mr. Mandela’s statement and get excited thinking about the countless possibilities still to be achieved in my life.
I do need to think bigger and I do need to take note of the importances of my passions. It’s no use getting a mediocre result when I should be getting a fantastic result. The results are for me, for my life and for my journey.
Perhaps I need to work harder at seeking my passions.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The online free dictionary definitions are many, but Im choosing to use this one:
Transitive Verb - To attract and hold the attention of; engross: a hobby that engaged her for hours at a time.
Intransitive Verb - To involve oneself or become occupied; participate: engage in conversation.
It’s about what we do. Being engaged in a career, a conversation, a hobby or even a luncheon has our full attention and time just disappears.
A recent article I read said that it takes about 10 000 hours to become great at what you do and the first thing that popped into my mind was – who wants to spend 10 000 hours doing something you don’t like? So many of us find ourselves in the fortunate position of loving what we do and many more of us have the unfortunate position of not loving what we do and in this respect Im referring to work or career aspects of our lives.
Isn’t it amazing that when we are engaged in something that we enjoy, time seems to fly? We put our full focused attention into something and 3 hours will pass without even realizing it. We are happy and we are content. We are giving our heart and soul to the attention we place in our interest, and time just slips past. This sort of time slipping past is very good. It gives our auras a shiny glow and it has our brain working like the most advanced computer. We become sharp!
I mention this because I think we should all be making progress on a daily basis. Everyday should be a step forward and being engaged in what we do seems to make it that much easier. We don’t have to be perfect at what we do but we should be enthusiastic about it. I think this enthusiasm is what eventually will get us to the perfection stage, even though as humans none of us are perfect.
As I strive towards my passion I realize that time flies when I am engaged in my passions. I know that it would be senseless to give up my day job as I have to also be a realist in that I have financial responsibilities to stand up to. My day job is the part that allows me the tranquility, in a sense, to not have to stress about my financial obligations. I am however working towards my passion and with hard work and perseverance I will succeed; I have no doubt in myself of that. I just don’t want to go bankrupt in the process!
So I then start looking at the plotting part of how to get my passions to be fully advantageous to me and at the same time make sure that it is financially rewarding enough for me to be able to cover the obligations I have, like rent, food, petrol etc. TO get to this point of my journey I need to start looking at the point A and the point B of my vision.
Point A – where am I now?
Point B – where do I want to be?
Ive come to realize that is very important to understand where I am NOW. That’s been my realization I suppose through this blog that I started a month ago. When I go back and re-read some of my thoughts and happenings, I realize I have made progress on the personal front and at the same time started understanding my passion for life. I am at the point of ‘Where I am’ – and I must say that it’s a good feeling. I often say this - we are today because of what we did yesterday. I am willing to spend 10 000 hours on myself to get to this understanding and be great at understanding myself, but I think its not necessary right now to spend that amount of time. IN reality we spend far more than that as we live our lives and as our lives change.
Im now at Point B – Where do I want to be?
Gosh, and I am actually very excited by the prospect. Ive finally come to realize that I have a map in front of me, but what’s the use of a clear slate if you don’t know where you are or where you want to be?
It’s a very exciting time in my life. It’s unnerving in that I step forward confidently but never know what awaits my next step, but that is all part of the excitement.
The universe is actually opening up doors for me that Ive been too blind to see, too preoccupied to realize, and I refer back to my friends words – there are none so blind as those who do not see!
Im engaging in myself and Im engaging in my time and my energy in looking at the map of my life and choosing where it is I want my point B to be!
Transitive Verb - To attract and hold the attention of; engross: a hobby that engaged her for hours at a time.
Intransitive Verb - To involve oneself or become occupied; participate: engage in conversation.
It’s about what we do. Being engaged in a career, a conversation, a hobby or even a luncheon has our full attention and time just disappears.
A recent article I read said that it takes about 10 000 hours to become great at what you do and the first thing that popped into my mind was – who wants to spend 10 000 hours doing something you don’t like? So many of us find ourselves in the fortunate position of loving what we do and many more of us have the unfortunate position of not loving what we do and in this respect Im referring to work or career aspects of our lives.
Isn’t it amazing that when we are engaged in something that we enjoy, time seems to fly? We put our full focused attention into something and 3 hours will pass without even realizing it. We are happy and we are content. We are giving our heart and soul to the attention we place in our interest, and time just slips past. This sort of time slipping past is very good. It gives our auras a shiny glow and it has our brain working like the most advanced computer. We become sharp!
I mention this because I think we should all be making progress on a daily basis. Everyday should be a step forward and being engaged in what we do seems to make it that much easier. We don’t have to be perfect at what we do but we should be enthusiastic about it. I think this enthusiasm is what eventually will get us to the perfection stage, even though as humans none of us are perfect.
As I strive towards my passion I realize that time flies when I am engaged in my passions. I know that it would be senseless to give up my day job as I have to also be a realist in that I have financial responsibilities to stand up to. My day job is the part that allows me the tranquility, in a sense, to not have to stress about my financial obligations. I am however working towards my passion and with hard work and perseverance I will succeed; I have no doubt in myself of that. I just don’t want to go bankrupt in the process!
So I then start looking at the plotting part of how to get my passions to be fully advantageous to me and at the same time make sure that it is financially rewarding enough for me to be able to cover the obligations I have, like rent, food, petrol etc. TO get to this point of my journey I need to start looking at the point A and the point B of my vision.
Point A – where am I now?
Point B – where do I want to be?
Ive come to realize that is very important to understand where I am NOW. That’s been my realization I suppose through this blog that I started a month ago. When I go back and re-read some of my thoughts and happenings, I realize I have made progress on the personal front and at the same time started understanding my passion for life. I am at the point of ‘Where I am’ – and I must say that it’s a good feeling. I often say this - we are today because of what we did yesterday. I am willing to spend 10 000 hours on myself to get to this understanding and be great at understanding myself, but I think its not necessary right now to spend that amount of time. IN reality we spend far more than that as we live our lives and as our lives change.
Im now at Point B – Where do I want to be?
Gosh, and I am actually very excited by the prospect. Ive finally come to realize that I have a map in front of me, but what’s the use of a clear slate if you don’t know where you are or where you want to be?
It’s a very exciting time in my life. It’s unnerving in that I step forward confidently but never know what awaits my next step, but that is all part of the excitement.
The universe is actually opening up doors for me that Ive been too blind to see, too preoccupied to realize, and I refer back to my friends words – there are none so blind as those who do not see!
Im engaging in myself and Im engaging in my time and my energy in looking at the map of my life and choosing where it is I want my point B to be!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Recently I spoke about Intention, Attention and No stress. It was a motivational moment for me - the “ah-ha” moment that we should all have every now and then.
We all need to find inspiration and we all need to let that inspiration give us our own ah-ha moment. I think these moments of inspiration are what ultimately make us happy; happy in what we see, what we hear, what we do, who we are, where we are, etc etc etc. It was another inspirational moment when I understood what was being explained to me by another of my best friends. It was her ah-ha moment and it most certainly became one for me as well.
She says we all DO, GET, BE – explained as - we all DO things (like work) to GET things ( like cars, clothes) to BE happy. If you come to think about it its spot on to where we all are in our current lives in the current society that we live in as we do all do something to get something that we think will make us happy. I know I worked hard so that I could get the nice car, the big house and the accessories that went with it – including more expenses – which had me working more and more to get to a point of just getting even on the financial front. I thought it would make me happy and I thought it would all be plain sailing from there on.
But it wasn’t. I had the nice car and the big house and I was happy there, but it also created a lot of other unthought-of problems that eventually led to my downfall of happiness, leaving me very stressed which ultimately left me unhappy. What use is having all these things when you have to work like a dog to just make the payments on a month to month basis? I got burnt out, and am actually only now starting to feel like I am recovering – a year later. Amongst many other things happening in my life I lost my self motivation self esteem and will to fight for what I believed in! It’s been the most interesting and difficult phase of my life, but I can only now see it as I am heading out of it, and away from it.
Im recovering everything on the personal level as I move forward and thanks to the support of my friends and close family, my family, have I found the patience to find my self esteem again as well as my motivation and my fight! It was during this discussion with my best friend that the seed was planted and 6 months later I now fully understand the implications of living the DO, GET, BE life. I have manifested that I need to move away from it, and I am actually succeeding, day by day.
My friend encouraged me to rather live a life of BE, DO, GET
BE – happy, and DO the things that you love (here’s passion again) as then you will GET everything you have never even thought of, and more. As with the passion discussion, its one of those topics that makes me realize that I need to be happy in what I do. Everything else is really immaterial, as we are here on this earth for such a short space of time – a blink of an eye – so the material things should not be what we are striving for but a path of happiness is the road we should take.
Another “AH- HA” moment in my life 6 months ago, made me realize what I had always preached was not how I was living. But I am a better person for it today as I have taken the time out to learn more about myself and why I did it.
I am today because of what I did yesterday.
With this knowledge in hand, I am more prepared to face tomorrow with a new zest for life, motivated and fighting all the way. I understand that I need to be happy. In fact I am happy, and should not complain and yes, there are parts of my life that are a little more challenging, but as a whole, Im happy. It’s taken me a while to get this happy smile on my heart and in my life again, but it’s been worth every step to feel like I wake up euphoric some mornings.
It’s motivating in itself to awake euphorically in the morning.
I think it’s a wise moment to look at your life and understand where you are, then let go of -the Be Do Get and look at and grasp - the DO Get Be and see how you can manifest it, allowing you to get to your passion.
Lets all Be Do Get!
Manifest it now to the universe and make the shift!
It’s highly recommended – believe me!
We all need to find inspiration and we all need to let that inspiration give us our own ah-ha moment. I think these moments of inspiration are what ultimately make us happy; happy in what we see, what we hear, what we do, who we are, where we are, etc etc etc. It was another inspirational moment when I understood what was being explained to me by another of my best friends. It was her ah-ha moment and it most certainly became one for me as well.
She says we all DO, GET, BE – explained as - we all DO things (like work) to GET things ( like cars, clothes) to BE happy. If you come to think about it its spot on to where we all are in our current lives in the current society that we live in as we do all do something to get something that we think will make us happy. I know I worked hard so that I could get the nice car, the big house and the accessories that went with it – including more expenses – which had me working more and more to get to a point of just getting even on the financial front. I thought it would make me happy and I thought it would all be plain sailing from there on.
But it wasn’t. I had the nice car and the big house and I was happy there, but it also created a lot of other unthought-of problems that eventually led to my downfall of happiness, leaving me very stressed which ultimately left me unhappy. What use is having all these things when you have to work like a dog to just make the payments on a month to month basis? I got burnt out, and am actually only now starting to feel like I am recovering – a year later. Amongst many other things happening in my life I lost my self motivation self esteem and will to fight for what I believed in! It’s been the most interesting and difficult phase of my life, but I can only now see it as I am heading out of it, and away from it.
Im recovering everything on the personal level as I move forward and thanks to the support of my friends and close family, my family, have I found the patience to find my self esteem again as well as my motivation and my fight! It was during this discussion with my best friend that the seed was planted and 6 months later I now fully understand the implications of living the DO, GET, BE life. I have manifested that I need to move away from it, and I am actually succeeding, day by day.
My friend encouraged me to rather live a life of BE, DO, GET
BE – happy, and DO the things that you love (here’s passion again) as then you will GET everything you have never even thought of, and more. As with the passion discussion, its one of those topics that makes me realize that I need to be happy in what I do. Everything else is really immaterial, as we are here on this earth for such a short space of time – a blink of an eye – so the material things should not be what we are striving for but a path of happiness is the road we should take.
Another “AH- HA” moment in my life 6 months ago, made me realize what I had always preached was not how I was living. But I am a better person for it today as I have taken the time out to learn more about myself and why I did it.
I am today because of what I did yesterday.
With this knowledge in hand, I am more prepared to face tomorrow with a new zest for life, motivated and fighting all the way. I understand that I need to be happy. In fact I am happy, and should not complain and yes, there are parts of my life that are a little more challenging, but as a whole, Im happy. It’s taken me a while to get this happy smile on my heart and in my life again, but it’s been worth every step to feel like I wake up euphoric some mornings.
It’s motivating in itself to awake euphorically in the morning.
I think it’s a wise moment to look at your life and understand where you are, then let go of -the Be Do Get and look at and grasp - the DO Get Be and see how you can manifest it, allowing you to get to your passion.
Lets all Be Do Get!
Manifest it now to the universe and make the shift!
It’s highly recommended – believe me!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
On Saturday I went to the gym to do a workout. As per usual I finished, went to the dressing room and had a shower. I then proceeded to take my body oil out of my locker and place my clothing on the bench with my sneakers on the floor. I turned to rub the oil on my freshly showered torso and then proceeded to dress. Much to my horror, in that short space of time, someone had stolen my sneakers!
I was astounded. Firstly that someone had the gall to do it when there were people in the dressing room and secondly to do it while I was standing there not paying attention. To make things worse, I had to leave the gym barefoot as I had no shoes with me besides my sneakers, and that was the worst part over. When I got to my car I realized that they were my new sneakers, purchased just 2 days previously, and that I would now have to lay out R600 again for a new pair. It astounds me that people can do something like this. They can afford to pay for a monthly membership fee at Virgin Active, and then walk away with others belongings.
What goes around comes around is a saying my mother would say from time to time. She would encourage us to be good and kind to others as it would be repaid 10 fold. I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who says that she wants to challenge her god about this theory. She constantly does good, considers others, goes out of her way to help and yet all she feels is that she is faced with further turmoil and hardship. Where is the justice? Does she stop doing good because she is not receiving the 10 fold? I don’t believe she does it to receive the rewards as she is not a selfish person; however all she wants is to continue doing good and have a little less turmoil and hardship in her life. Is that too much to ask?
Another friend recently had a discussion with a Hari Krishna follower and interesting enough told me that the discussion was about learning your lesson – or else you would have to return to face it again and again time after time, life after life. This is one of those days when I question; what am I supposed to learn from having things stolen from under my nose? Am I supposed to become so untrustworthy of everyone so as not to leave anything out of my sight at all times. Can anyone actually do that and live like that? Would we not be a bunch of neurotic people walking around? Or perhaps the lesson is that my shoes needed to be stolen to help someone else out that perhaps doesn’t have shoes? Perhaps this is one of those lessons that I will have to repeat time and time again as I cannot for the life of me, understand what lesson there is to be learnt.
I suppose I don’t understand thieves and there are many who are not only thieves of material things. People steal ideas, people steal others love, and some steal other lives. But it does however leave me wondering if I had not jumped to too quick a conclusion about my sneakers being stolen. What if they were mistakenly placed in some ones bag in a moment of mind lapse? Would they return the sneakers, or not, because of the embarrassment that they might be caused and what will I feel like if it does happen to be like this?
Im not sure what to say right now in that regard as I feel they were stolen and not mistakenly taken, but I suppose I need to leave some benefit of doubt, before cursing the thief. If it was mistakenly taken I should get them back tomorrow, but if not, is it possible for me to ask to see what revenge will be placed on the thief in his next life?
Then again – what goes around comes around, and should I want to see revenge in the first place? I think not!
But it still doesn’t change the fact that my sneakers are gone!
I was astounded. Firstly that someone had the gall to do it when there were people in the dressing room and secondly to do it while I was standing there not paying attention. To make things worse, I had to leave the gym barefoot as I had no shoes with me besides my sneakers, and that was the worst part over. When I got to my car I realized that they were my new sneakers, purchased just 2 days previously, and that I would now have to lay out R600 again for a new pair. It astounds me that people can do something like this. They can afford to pay for a monthly membership fee at Virgin Active, and then walk away with others belongings.
What goes around comes around is a saying my mother would say from time to time. She would encourage us to be good and kind to others as it would be repaid 10 fold. I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who says that she wants to challenge her god about this theory. She constantly does good, considers others, goes out of her way to help and yet all she feels is that she is faced with further turmoil and hardship. Where is the justice? Does she stop doing good because she is not receiving the 10 fold? I don’t believe she does it to receive the rewards as she is not a selfish person; however all she wants is to continue doing good and have a little less turmoil and hardship in her life. Is that too much to ask?
Another friend recently had a discussion with a Hari Krishna follower and interesting enough told me that the discussion was about learning your lesson – or else you would have to return to face it again and again time after time, life after life. This is one of those days when I question; what am I supposed to learn from having things stolen from under my nose? Am I supposed to become so untrustworthy of everyone so as not to leave anything out of my sight at all times. Can anyone actually do that and live like that? Would we not be a bunch of neurotic people walking around? Or perhaps the lesson is that my shoes needed to be stolen to help someone else out that perhaps doesn’t have shoes? Perhaps this is one of those lessons that I will have to repeat time and time again as I cannot for the life of me, understand what lesson there is to be learnt.
I suppose I don’t understand thieves and there are many who are not only thieves of material things. People steal ideas, people steal others love, and some steal other lives. But it does however leave me wondering if I had not jumped to too quick a conclusion about my sneakers being stolen. What if they were mistakenly placed in some ones bag in a moment of mind lapse? Would they return the sneakers, or not, because of the embarrassment that they might be caused and what will I feel like if it does happen to be like this?
Im not sure what to say right now in that regard as I feel they were stolen and not mistakenly taken, but I suppose I need to leave some benefit of doubt, before cursing the thief. If it was mistakenly taken I should get them back tomorrow, but if not, is it possible for me to ask to see what revenge will be placed on the thief in his next life?
Then again – what goes around comes around, and should I want to see revenge in the first place? I think not!
But it still doesn’t change the fact that my sneakers are gone!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Parallel lives and loves
An interesting discussion is that of our life’s journey and the one of our life’s loves! I have always had an interest in both topics and I have seldom discussed these as I like to live life and get on with it. As I’m learning to share Ive lost a lot, but also grown a lot and I sometime wonder if this is how it’s actually supposed to be on this path that I call life and is it preset the route that gets taken.
In life I believe we all have our own path to walk. No one can ever understand what you see, what you feel what you hear what you smell. Everyone, no matter how similar, has their own path to walk on and in the process I believe many people cross your path, walk next to you on their path, some wonder off and come back while others never do. Each and ever path has its own experiences, battles and triumphs. Some of these paths never even come near you, but still they are on a path that just perhaps is on a different level to yours and can at times even affect your path.
Life is interesting because of that. The sooner we realize that we are all on individual paths and that no two paths can ever be in the same place at the same time, we start realizing how unique our own lives really are. Perhaps it’s a way of not expecting too much from anyone or perhaps it’s a reason to expect more, but no matter how you look at it, yours is yours and theirs is theirs, and ne’r the twain shall meet!
Love on the other hand is something that you carry along with you on your path. Its like the mist that surrounds you and at times two mists create a cloud that is just too wonderful. Sometimes the two clouds create electricity and work while other clouds created make a loud thunder and crash in the process. Pretty soon the two clouds part and you are surrounded by your own mist once again.
Love has many facets. We love each and every person, or animal, in a different way. A mother loves both her children equally but in a very different way because each child is so different and the chemistry and dynamics of each child with their mother will always be different, but there is no measure on the mothers love, just because it’s different. Lovers fall in love and build a relationship based on that energy that is created at first. Sometimes the energy fizzles out, sometimes it’s a negative combination of energies and they soon part, but then there is the marvel of falling in love and creating a love that is just wonderful and strong, no matter what.
I believe falling in love is a phase. Loving someone is not. Real relationships go through good times, bad times happy times and sad. They are confidence builders, and sometime confidence destroyers, but the actual root is so strong that the continual growth over the years makes it worth nurturing to grow stronger and stronger. At times you are in love with each other but that does not last forever. The relationships root would not sustain the ‘in-love; strength all the time. It’s the love that builds the root and the moments of being ‘in love’ are like the nutrients that you feed it. The relationship base is that of love and the in love is the part that’s like a roller coaster; sometimes scary, sometimes exciting, sometimes fun, sometimes… but the roller-coaster ride goes in and out of your love ‘root’ as your journey together continues.
Im not willing to loose my loves, but I cant stop them from wanting to loose me. I believe in nurturing the root to the death and on my life’s path, that’s very important to me. I cannot choose who I love or who I fall in love with because I am not someone that goes out looking for love, yet it does not stop my loved ones from doing what is right in their life’s path. If the root is worth fighting for, and wanted, then all should be able to be worked through no matter what.
The life path is our solid footing and the air we breathe which is a necessity as we are on it alone. The loves on our path are like the bonuses we get as we walk along our path. IT makes our path more enjoyable mostly, but occasionally there are some hidden thorns hidden away.
I believe that the pain of the thorns is worth bearing, no matter what. My life is so much more fulfilled for having these bonuses and I cant help but wanting them to improve, but I also realize that not all bonuses believe what I do, and its sad.
I can never ever release those bonuses from my heart as I walk along my life’s path! Our life paths and our loves are all on a parallel road, called happiness.
In life I believe we all have our own path to walk. No one can ever understand what you see, what you feel what you hear what you smell. Everyone, no matter how similar, has their own path to walk on and in the process I believe many people cross your path, walk next to you on their path, some wonder off and come back while others never do. Each and ever path has its own experiences, battles and triumphs. Some of these paths never even come near you, but still they are on a path that just perhaps is on a different level to yours and can at times even affect your path.
Life is interesting because of that. The sooner we realize that we are all on individual paths and that no two paths can ever be in the same place at the same time, we start realizing how unique our own lives really are. Perhaps it’s a way of not expecting too much from anyone or perhaps it’s a reason to expect more, but no matter how you look at it, yours is yours and theirs is theirs, and ne’r the twain shall meet!
Love on the other hand is something that you carry along with you on your path. Its like the mist that surrounds you and at times two mists create a cloud that is just too wonderful. Sometimes the two clouds create electricity and work while other clouds created make a loud thunder and crash in the process. Pretty soon the two clouds part and you are surrounded by your own mist once again.
Love has many facets. We love each and every person, or animal, in a different way. A mother loves both her children equally but in a very different way because each child is so different and the chemistry and dynamics of each child with their mother will always be different, but there is no measure on the mothers love, just because it’s different. Lovers fall in love and build a relationship based on that energy that is created at first. Sometimes the energy fizzles out, sometimes it’s a negative combination of energies and they soon part, but then there is the marvel of falling in love and creating a love that is just wonderful and strong, no matter what.
I believe falling in love is a phase. Loving someone is not. Real relationships go through good times, bad times happy times and sad. They are confidence builders, and sometime confidence destroyers, but the actual root is so strong that the continual growth over the years makes it worth nurturing to grow stronger and stronger. At times you are in love with each other but that does not last forever. The relationships root would not sustain the ‘in-love; strength all the time. It’s the love that builds the root and the moments of being ‘in love’ are like the nutrients that you feed it. The relationship base is that of love and the in love is the part that’s like a roller coaster; sometimes scary, sometimes exciting, sometimes fun, sometimes… but the roller-coaster ride goes in and out of your love ‘root’ as your journey together continues.
Im not willing to loose my loves, but I cant stop them from wanting to loose me. I believe in nurturing the root to the death and on my life’s path, that’s very important to me. I cannot choose who I love or who I fall in love with because I am not someone that goes out looking for love, yet it does not stop my loved ones from doing what is right in their life’s path. If the root is worth fighting for, and wanted, then all should be able to be worked through no matter what.
The life path is our solid footing and the air we breathe which is a necessity as we are on it alone. The loves on our path are like the bonuses we get as we walk along our path. IT makes our path more enjoyable mostly, but occasionally there are some hidden thorns hidden away.
I believe that the pain of the thorns is worth bearing, no matter what. My life is so much more fulfilled for having these bonuses and I cant help but wanting them to improve, but I also realize that not all bonuses believe what I do, and its sad.
I can never ever release those bonuses from my heart as I walk along my life’s path! Our life paths and our loves are all on a parallel road, called happiness.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Is Procrastination costing you?
It never seizes to amaze me how we all procrastinate, and then have the guilty feelings of - why did we not do it when we had the time?
How do we get to this point in our lives and why do we all do it on a daily basis, some more than others, and how do we get past it? What makes us go to work and get things done yet in our own lives we put so much off for another time, then before we know it the time has passed us and we actually don’t get to do it all as we planned in the first place. My question then is, why do we even plan to do it in the first place?
Procrastination is like a thief that sneaks into our houses at night to rob us of time, of possibilities and of money. Isn’t it funny that the sooner you realize that the thief has stolen your money the quicker you will pay attention? I say that it steals money because at the end of the day the longer you wait to do the things the less you get done and money is one of those things that gets wasted along the way, or the possibility of making it dwindles.
I value my time. I put a price on it that is not generally financially orientated because I think the most important thing that you can give of yourself is your time. So for anyone to realize the value of time I refer to money because your time is worth a value that you may not consider at first. Let’s put it this way, every time you go see a doctor you pay for his time and his knowledge. How much knowledge do you have to share with the world and how much would you charge for that knowledge, seeing that you are wasting your time? Then again, are you not worth all the time in the world and all the money?
For anyone else to know what your value is you first have to know what that value is yourself. You need to spend time on yourself and you need to know what needs to be done to get where you need to go. You are the first step towards putting a value on your time and you are the one that needs to appreciate how much you’ve achieved to be able to do that. Yet we don’t! So how do we get around it?
To get around procrastination we need to look at how much we want to achieve and in how short/long a time we want to achieve it. Sound similar to ambition? Most certainly does, but what is the use of ambition if you don’t get off your ass to get past the thieving procrastination that’s holding you hostage!
I think we need to learn self defense against procrastination! I think a good dose of schooling in concentration would be a start. Concentrate on yourself. Concentrate on your worth. Concentrate on beating the thief. Concentrate on getting done what needs to be done. Concentrate on you as a person to realize what you are letting slip by - like the sand in a time glass. Procrastination makes the sand run faster, and time stops for no man or woman.
So come on, get off your ass! Concentrate on what’s stopping you and beat it! Just do it, is a famous slogan. Here is mine:
Just done it!
How do we get to this point in our lives and why do we all do it on a daily basis, some more than others, and how do we get past it? What makes us go to work and get things done yet in our own lives we put so much off for another time, then before we know it the time has passed us and we actually don’t get to do it all as we planned in the first place. My question then is, why do we even plan to do it in the first place?
Procrastination is like a thief that sneaks into our houses at night to rob us of time, of possibilities and of money. Isn’t it funny that the sooner you realize that the thief has stolen your money the quicker you will pay attention? I say that it steals money because at the end of the day the longer you wait to do the things the less you get done and money is one of those things that gets wasted along the way, or the possibility of making it dwindles.
I value my time. I put a price on it that is not generally financially orientated because I think the most important thing that you can give of yourself is your time. So for anyone to realize the value of time I refer to money because your time is worth a value that you may not consider at first. Let’s put it this way, every time you go see a doctor you pay for his time and his knowledge. How much knowledge do you have to share with the world and how much would you charge for that knowledge, seeing that you are wasting your time? Then again, are you not worth all the time in the world and all the money?
For anyone else to know what your value is you first have to know what that value is yourself. You need to spend time on yourself and you need to know what needs to be done to get where you need to go. You are the first step towards putting a value on your time and you are the one that needs to appreciate how much you’ve achieved to be able to do that. Yet we don’t! So how do we get around it?
To get around procrastination we need to look at how much we want to achieve and in how short/long a time we want to achieve it. Sound similar to ambition? Most certainly does, but what is the use of ambition if you don’t get off your ass to get past the thieving procrastination that’s holding you hostage!
I think we need to learn self defense against procrastination! I think a good dose of schooling in concentration would be a start. Concentrate on yourself. Concentrate on your worth. Concentrate on beating the thief. Concentrate on getting done what needs to be done. Concentrate on you as a person to realize what you are letting slip by - like the sand in a time glass. Procrastination makes the sand run faster, and time stops for no man or woman.
So come on, get off your ass! Concentrate on what’s stopping you and beat it! Just do it, is a famous slogan. Here is mine:
Just done it!
One of the things Ive noticed lately with all the things I go through in my mind is that I seem to think, re-think and still re-think things over and over again. I try looking at the situations in my life from my point of view from others point of view and then I try look at it from a point of view of someone who does not know me or the situation. Its not easy, but it does become quite creative in seeing the same challenge from different perspectives, and its even more amazing how your own point of view can be influenced by these types of ‘viewings’.
Challenges are not bad, as much as we hate them. Challenges help us see our demons as well as our guardian angels. Challenges help us evolve as human beings and grow up. Look at all the challenges we faced as children – just the mere fact that we wanted to walk and not crawl was a challenge. We would get up and fall down, get up again and fall down again, until we started getting to grips with gravity and balance. Then the challenge was not a challenge anymore and we moved on to perhaps learning how to walk quickly without falling, and then perhaps try running.
We are faced with challenges every single day. Some are hard, some are easy, some make us stress while others leave us feeling fantastic. How different would life be if we did not have these challenges? Imagine your life, where everything was easy to achieve, not a challenge and as you thought it you got it? Would that not leave us all a little dull? What would be the value of life if everything was served on a silver platter, or gold, if that’s what you wished?
The World Cup Football matches have been fantastic to watch. I used to play a little football in my youth so I get excited when I am able to watch professionals doing something that they love and also doing it so well. This World Cup has already shown many surprises in the results that are coming in daily and each and every team is pulling their weight to try achieving the trophy of trophies!
We as onlookers set a lot of expectation in the team of our choice, be it the country that you belong to or just the team that you favor in general. Many of the onlookers I have observed have high expectations of previous winners and previous teams. Is this a good thing or a bad thing Im not sure, but I do know that from the experiences that the lesser teams have gained through previous matches, the surprises are coming fast and furious. These lesser teams have had to face challenges not only through perhaps constantly loosing to better teams at the time, but have had the determination to continue training and push forward to perhaps loose time and time again, until such time as they surprise everyone else.
I think these highlight experiences in football are so apt for our everyday lives. We strive; we loose some we win some, but the hard workers and perseverer’s are the ones that come out at the top. Sometimes the underdog has a great wealth of knowledge that still needs to be shared and they become the top dog because of all the challenges they have had to face. Should we be looking at them in a lower light while they are down, and looking at the top dogs in a better light while they are up?
I do know that good results are achieved through constant challenges and constant hard work to move forward. I think we should enjoy the euphoria of the situation while it lasts and I think we should not try recreating the situation, as it will never be the same. It can’t be, because time is what gets in the way and the challenges are different.
Sometimes through all my thinking and re-thinking I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders because I do want everything to be just right, but its not always up to me, and the situation may not allow for it to be that way in the future. On other days I feel like the weight of the world has been sucked into a black hole within the universe and I awake feeling euphoric, for no known reason whatsoever. At times I try analyze these sudden euphoric feelings, as a football team would analyze their previous losses, and at others I just enjoy them whole-heartedly.
I realized suddenly this morning that these euphoric feelings are a gift to be enjoyed and not analyzed. I need to enjoy the moment for what it is and allow myself to enjoy them as they come because tomorrow is another day with different results surely to be prominent. Perhaps this is what is meant by living in the moment as the football players do when they score a goal or win the World Cup.
For some unknown reason I suddenly felt a sense of Euphoria this morning when I woke up. Im not analyzing it but actually enjoying it and its given me the greatest pleasure to be able to share it with everyone.
Enjoy every moment while you have it!
Challenges are not bad, as much as we hate them. Challenges help us see our demons as well as our guardian angels. Challenges help us evolve as human beings and grow up. Look at all the challenges we faced as children – just the mere fact that we wanted to walk and not crawl was a challenge. We would get up and fall down, get up again and fall down again, until we started getting to grips with gravity and balance. Then the challenge was not a challenge anymore and we moved on to perhaps learning how to walk quickly without falling, and then perhaps try running.
We are faced with challenges every single day. Some are hard, some are easy, some make us stress while others leave us feeling fantastic. How different would life be if we did not have these challenges? Imagine your life, where everything was easy to achieve, not a challenge and as you thought it you got it? Would that not leave us all a little dull? What would be the value of life if everything was served on a silver platter, or gold, if that’s what you wished?
The World Cup Football matches have been fantastic to watch. I used to play a little football in my youth so I get excited when I am able to watch professionals doing something that they love and also doing it so well. This World Cup has already shown many surprises in the results that are coming in daily and each and every team is pulling their weight to try achieving the trophy of trophies!
We as onlookers set a lot of expectation in the team of our choice, be it the country that you belong to or just the team that you favor in general. Many of the onlookers I have observed have high expectations of previous winners and previous teams. Is this a good thing or a bad thing Im not sure, but I do know that from the experiences that the lesser teams have gained through previous matches, the surprises are coming fast and furious. These lesser teams have had to face challenges not only through perhaps constantly loosing to better teams at the time, but have had the determination to continue training and push forward to perhaps loose time and time again, until such time as they surprise everyone else.
I think these highlight experiences in football are so apt for our everyday lives. We strive; we loose some we win some, but the hard workers and perseverer’s are the ones that come out at the top. Sometimes the underdog has a great wealth of knowledge that still needs to be shared and they become the top dog because of all the challenges they have had to face. Should we be looking at them in a lower light while they are down, and looking at the top dogs in a better light while they are up?
I do know that good results are achieved through constant challenges and constant hard work to move forward. I think we should enjoy the euphoria of the situation while it lasts and I think we should not try recreating the situation, as it will never be the same. It can’t be, because time is what gets in the way and the challenges are different.
Sometimes through all my thinking and re-thinking I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders because I do want everything to be just right, but its not always up to me, and the situation may not allow for it to be that way in the future. On other days I feel like the weight of the world has been sucked into a black hole within the universe and I awake feeling euphoric, for no known reason whatsoever. At times I try analyze these sudden euphoric feelings, as a football team would analyze their previous losses, and at others I just enjoy them whole-heartedly.
I realized suddenly this morning that these euphoric feelings are a gift to be enjoyed and not analyzed. I need to enjoy the moment for what it is and allow myself to enjoy them as they come because tomorrow is another day with different results surely to be prominent. Perhaps this is what is meant by living in the moment as the football players do when they score a goal or win the World Cup.
For some unknown reason I suddenly felt a sense of Euphoria this morning when I woke up. Im not analyzing it but actually enjoying it and its given me the greatest pleasure to be able to share it with everyone.
Enjoy every moment while you have it!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
One of my most special friends commented to me the other night that he enjoyed what I wrote about as he found it very honest and diversified in theme. I think its where my mind is at right now. Not specifically going through one thing but facing the huge amounts of turmoil’s, ideas, creative eruptions and more, all at once. They are sporadic and sometimes very disconnected. Exactly how I feel at the moment. For years I thought of myself as a Jack of all trades Master of none. I get excited by the amounts of interesting things there are in the world to learn about, do, partake in and try. Does that make me Master of none? Im now realizing that no, I am a master of many more things than I ever thought but the most important of all though is the fact that Ive mastered having so many special people in my life.
My Life Coach back in Europe that I was working with while there, introduced me to a topic, unknown to me at the time, and something that Ive mentioned in a previous posting; THE PORTFOLIO CAREER.
Apparently many people are getting into it. Its that many people are faced with the same situation that I am – the love of many different areas. I love many things and Im interested in more, which Ive not even come to yet. I try them all when they come into my life as I don’t believe that any stone should be unturned when searching for your passion. The portfolio career is based on various income streams in various areas. So you can become a therapist on Saturdays (should you have the studies) and then a fitness instructor in the mornings and afternoon, and work as a Banker from Monday to Friday. You can also have a hobby like cooking that encourages you to create your own recipes and change others, ultimately getting you to write a cookbook, and then also perhaps find time in between all this to actually write a blog, spend time with friends and do things that are not income streams but still part of your life as a person.
Ive always been interested in various things, but never as much as I have been over the past 5-10 years. This is when I left the entertainment industry and started the journey, I suppose, without realizing it back then, on discovering what I am, who I am and where I want to go. I think this is worth research, and research I do. I am still in a job that I don’t like, but I am researching the other possibilities that allow me my various outlets of my artistic side.
I am a mentor and I am a good friend as well as being a human being and a mess at times. I have good days and bad days and to make me all the more human – I snore and I fart! But inside me there is a heart the size of Africa, with a spirit as old as Europe and the energy the size of the Americas. I sometimes think my brain is the size of Ibiza, yet I know for all these things to happen in this body of mine, there must be some good that comes out of Ibiza, and powerful enough to keep it working, moving and being strong.
Somewhere in this world of mine I know I will find the clues that I seek to help me fulfill my passions, as I do believe there are many, so the Diversity of topics I may write about are the various parts of my world that are more prominent on that particular day. The diversity in career re portfolio career, is something that I aim for.
I love the fact that this was brought up to me because I do write about the various things that I am going through, what I want to do and dreams I want to achieve. Its this diversification that has made me friends with all the special people in my life and the diversity of the friends in themselves, you being one of them and very prominently as well just for making time to read the blog.
I love the diversity in my life, and Im trying to be honest in these diversities that I am challenged with on a day to day basis. It makes for an exciting life albeit lonely at times as I realize while going in search of the things that are making up my autobiography. My autobiography of my life as I live it.
Im looking for the Diversity in my passions to help me create this portfolio career and the various income streams to help me discover more and more of the other diversities that I have yet to encounter.
Maybe I am a Jack of all trades Master of none, but by golly – I love the interesting paths that I encounter along the way in this journey of mine - because more importantly than anything, I am the MASTER of my own world.
My Life Coach back in Europe that I was working with while there, introduced me to a topic, unknown to me at the time, and something that Ive mentioned in a previous posting; THE PORTFOLIO CAREER.
Apparently many people are getting into it. Its that many people are faced with the same situation that I am – the love of many different areas. I love many things and Im interested in more, which Ive not even come to yet. I try them all when they come into my life as I don’t believe that any stone should be unturned when searching for your passion. The portfolio career is based on various income streams in various areas. So you can become a therapist on Saturdays (should you have the studies) and then a fitness instructor in the mornings and afternoon, and work as a Banker from Monday to Friday. You can also have a hobby like cooking that encourages you to create your own recipes and change others, ultimately getting you to write a cookbook, and then also perhaps find time in between all this to actually write a blog, spend time with friends and do things that are not income streams but still part of your life as a person.
Ive always been interested in various things, but never as much as I have been over the past 5-10 years. This is when I left the entertainment industry and started the journey, I suppose, without realizing it back then, on discovering what I am, who I am and where I want to go. I think this is worth research, and research I do. I am still in a job that I don’t like, but I am researching the other possibilities that allow me my various outlets of my artistic side.
I am a mentor and I am a good friend as well as being a human being and a mess at times. I have good days and bad days and to make me all the more human – I snore and I fart! But inside me there is a heart the size of Africa, with a spirit as old as Europe and the energy the size of the Americas. I sometimes think my brain is the size of Ibiza, yet I know for all these things to happen in this body of mine, there must be some good that comes out of Ibiza, and powerful enough to keep it working, moving and being strong.
Somewhere in this world of mine I know I will find the clues that I seek to help me fulfill my passions, as I do believe there are many, so the Diversity of topics I may write about are the various parts of my world that are more prominent on that particular day. The diversity in career re portfolio career, is something that I aim for.
I love the fact that this was brought up to me because I do write about the various things that I am going through, what I want to do and dreams I want to achieve. Its this diversification that has made me friends with all the special people in my life and the diversity of the friends in themselves, you being one of them and very prominently as well just for making time to read the blog.
I love the diversity in my life, and Im trying to be honest in these diversities that I am challenged with on a day to day basis. It makes for an exciting life albeit lonely at times as I realize while going in search of the things that are making up my autobiography. My autobiography of my life as I live it.
Im looking for the Diversity in my passions to help me create this portfolio career and the various income streams to help me discover more and more of the other diversities that I have yet to encounter.
Maybe I am a Jack of all trades Master of none, but by golly – I love the interesting paths that I encounter along the way in this journey of mine - because more importantly than anything, I am the MASTER of my own world.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Our life’s story
Each and every one of us has a story to tell. Our friends tell us what happened in their day, the ladies go to tea to discuss what they are doing with themselves and children create stories to make their lives a little more interesting. We all have a story to tell.
Now look at your life and think about all the stories you have to tell of things that have happened in your life. Look at what the story was – it probably had a start, middle and an end. It may have been a funny thing that happened when you were at school or a sad story of something you experienced and an interesting story of how you came out of a situation that was rough. We all have many stories to tell.
We are all living our own Autobiography. We may not think that it’s as interesting as many of the famous ‘autobiographies’ that we see, hear about and read but it is unique, because its our own autobiography. We are living it as we walk, talk, breath, eat or sleep. We always have something to say to our friends, to our family or to our children and it’s a real story that we have lived through, experienced and talked about, no matter how trivial or how grand it was.
As children many of us would have a diary where we wrote of about our day's happenings. It was a journal of our life as we were living it. As we get older we find that we have less time to do this and so many of the things go un-noted, and many times forgotten, until something triggers that particular story to bring it back into our conscious mind again.
Think back to the 'old days' when that generation would tell stories thus passing them on from generation to generation; some wonderful stories that in our modern day life-style we tend to forget or not continue telling and thus they get lost. From many of these stories we can learn a lesson or get an idea or perhaps even find a solution to a modern day challenge. Some stories we hold close to our hearts and they ring true to us in our everyday lives.
Ive found that by writing down the stories that happen to me, the challenges and the difficulties, I seem to come out feeling better. I get the difficulties off my chest to release them from my soul and I have a chuckle as I remember a sweet story and what happened in the situation. Its also a great way to have a look at it on paper, and often enough help you see it in a different light. They are also great to go back to - to re-read and remember. In the difficult times they become a companion to us to see what has happened, what we have achieved and often to show us that things are not as dire as they may seem while we are living the experience.
When I am angry or need to get something off my chest that is building up, I write it down and then burn the pages. My ritual, that I probably don’t do as often as I should, but I still do it and it feels like finality has been achieved to whatever it may be that I want to release.
I remember taking a few hours to write a letter, pre computers and email. It was a fantastic way of sharing what was happening in my life with friends and loved ones. Hand written letters with spelling mistakes and many times illegible because I would get so excited about what I was writing, or a story that I was telling. Even then we had a story to tell, and now we also have stories to tell, but we use the computers to do it with and the youngest schoolboy now probably types quicker than what a normal secretary would do in the old days when type writing. How times have changed, but how many stories are still the same, just a different place and time, with different participants.
I think its good to write these stories down. I think its good to also write down what it is you want to happen in your life. You are then making your own blue print of how you want your life to go. I believe us all to be natural story tellers but not natural writers so don’t let it stop you if you can’t write - I know I havent loet it stop me. You are the one that needs to understand it and if you are creating the blueprint to your life, you will understand it because it’ll be fresh in your memory and in front of your eyes as you read it.
You can have a start – what you want to achieve.
You can have a middle – what plan you have to make it happen
You can have an end – how did you achieve it, what you are feeling and what did you learn or better still, what plans has it inspired for your next story!
You can create your own life plan and make it work and happen as you see fit.
Perhaps we should all go back to journal writing and re write what we want in our lives.
Perhaps we should make notes of our life as it happens to be able to remind us of all we have achieved, when things get rough.
Let’s all take action and lets all start writing our life as we want it to be.
"Write for the pleasure of writing. As the pen traces out words on the paper, your anguish disappears and your happiness remains. For this to happen, it is necessary to have the courage to look deep inside yourself." – Paulo Coelho
Now look at your life and think about all the stories you have to tell of things that have happened in your life. Look at what the story was – it probably had a start, middle and an end. It may have been a funny thing that happened when you were at school or a sad story of something you experienced and an interesting story of how you came out of a situation that was rough. We all have many stories to tell.
We are all living our own Autobiography. We may not think that it’s as interesting as many of the famous ‘autobiographies’ that we see, hear about and read but it is unique, because its our own autobiography. We are living it as we walk, talk, breath, eat or sleep. We always have something to say to our friends, to our family or to our children and it’s a real story that we have lived through, experienced and talked about, no matter how trivial or how grand it was.
As children many of us would have a diary where we wrote of about our day's happenings. It was a journal of our life as we were living it. As we get older we find that we have less time to do this and so many of the things go un-noted, and many times forgotten, until something triggers that particular story to bring it back into our conscious mind again.
Think back to the 'old days' when that generation would tell stories thus passing them on from generation to generation; some wonderful stories that in our modern day life-style we tend to forget or not continue telling and thus they get lost. From many of these stories we can learn a lesson or get an idea or perhaps even find a solution to a modern day challenge. Some stories we hold close to our hearts and they ring true to us in our everyday lives.
Ive found that by writing down the stories that happen to me, the challenges and the difficulties, I seem to come out feeling better. I get the difficulties off my chest to release them from my soul and I have a chuckle as I remember a sweet story and what happened in the situation. Its also a great way to have a look at it on paper, and often enough help you see it in a different light. They are also great to go back to - to re-read and remember. In the difficult times they become a companion to us to see what has happened, what we have achieved and often to show us that things are not as dire as they may seem while we are living the experience.
When I am angry or need to get something off my chest that is building up, I write it down and then burn the pages. My ritual, that I probably don’t do as often as I should, but I still do it and it feels like finality has been achieved to whatever it may be that I want to release.
I remember taking a few hours to write a letter, pre computers and email. It was a fantastic way of sharing what was happening in my life with friends and loved ones. Hand written letters with spelling mistakes and many times illegible because I would get so excited about what I was writing, or a story that I was telling. Even then we had a story to tell, and now we also have stories to tell, but we use the computers to do it with and the youngest schoolboy now probably types quicker than what a normal secretary would do in the old days when type writing. How times have changed, but how many stories are still the same, just a different place and time, with different participants.
I think its good to write these stories down. I think its good to also write down what it is you want to happen in your life. You are then making your own blue print of how you want your life to go. I believe us all to be natural story tellers but not natural writers so don’t let it stop you if you can’t write - I know I havent loet it stop me. You are the one that needs to understand it and if you are creating the blueprint to your life, you will understand it because it’ll be fresh in your memory and in front of your eyes as you read it.
You can have a start – what you want to achieve.
You can have a middle – what plan you have to make it happen
You can have an end – how did you achieve it, what you are feeling and what did you learn or better still, what plans has it inspired for your next story!
You can create your own life plan and make it work and happen as you see fit.
Perhaps we should all go back to journal writing and re write what we want in our lives.
Perhaps we should make notes of our life as it happens to be able to remind us of all we have achieved, when things get rough.
Let’s all take action and lets all start writing our life as we want it to be.
"Write for the pleasure of writing. As the pen traces out words on the paper, your anguish disappears and your happiness remains. For this to happen, it is necessary to have the courage to look deep inside yourself." – Paulo Coelho
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hope Lives in us all!
One of the things Ive been dealing with and having around me is heartbreak. Heartbreak is the worst pain to go through because there is nothing physically broken, yet it seems worse than a serious broken bone, and sometimes the healing process is a lot longer. It’s a unique pain and it has a ripple effect in our lives because it brings up tons of other emotions that seem worse than they normally do in other situations.
Its not a pain like indigestion or what many call ‘heart burn’ and is not a symptom that can be solved with Pepto Bismal, Rennies or milk. It’s a pain that hurts your core, eats at your mind and gives you restless nights. It happens because of the expectancy we have in others and them not wanting us. Its never easy and is not something that you get experience in because each time you experience it, its different.
Unfortunately no matter what I read about how to get over this pain or how many people I speak to, councilors included, I realize that Im concentrating on the problem more and more. I don’t want to grieve because I believe in Hope
Hope is something that I live with everyday. Hope is something that makes me know that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold. Hope is a belief that things can work out for the best and that the possibilities in life are endless. Hope that a family doesn’t get broken up. Hope that you will find yourself again. Hope that the sun will come out tomorrow. I think hope is a spiritual feeling and lived with as one does with your religion or your faith. I can’t switch my love off if I have it in me. I don’t understand how others can, so I prefer to live my life with hope. It’s a choice - My choice.
Hope is something you carry in your heart and wear on your sleeve. Its an aura that surrounds you and you believe in. I suppose grieving is important when you believe its completely over, but until such time I have hope.
I have my heart in the right place.
I have my love in tact.
I have my hope that all will be revealed and that tomorrow the sun will come out and rise in the east.
Hope still hurts though, as the silence is deafening. Perhaps the deafening silence gives me time to listen to things I’ve never heard before.
Its not a pain like indigestion or what many call ‘heart burn’ and is not a symptom that can be solved with Pepto Bismal, Rennies or milk. It’s a pain that hurts your core, eats at your mind and gives you restless nights. It happens because of the expectancy we have in others and them not wanting us. Its never easy and is not something that you get experience in because each time you experience it, its different.
Unfortunately no matter what I read about how to get over this pain or how many people I speak to, councilors included, I realize that Im concentrating on the problem more and more. I don’t want to grieve because I believe in Hope
Hope is something that I live with everyday. Hope is something that makes me know that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold. Hope is a belief that things can work out for the best and that the possibilities in life are endless. Hope that a family doesn’t get broken up. Hope that you will find yourself again. Hope that the sun will come out tomorrow. I think hope is a spiritual feeling and lived with as one does with your religion or your faith. I can’t switch my love off if I have it in me. I don’t understand how others can, so I prefer to live my life with hope. It’s a choice - My choice.
Hope is something you carry in your heart and wear on your sleeve. Its an aura that surrounds you and you believe in. I suppose grieving is important when you believe its completely over, but until such time I have hope.
I have my heart in the right place.
I have my love in tact.
I have my hope that all will be revealed and that tomorrow the sun will come out and rise in the east.
Hope still hurts though, as the silence is deafening. Perhaps the deafening silence gives me time to listen to things I’ve never heard before.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Habits are something we all have. We mostly do them unconsciously and they become second nature to us only when we learn to do them on a conscious level. If you look at a person who is learning to smoke, they fumble at first with the cigarette, then don’t always get the lighter to work on the first flick of the finger, but look at the same person a few months later and it’s as if they are doing it with ease, experience and it comes across as natural to them and who they are.
What am I getting to about habits? I think its something I’ve been looking at a lot lately through my mental and emotional states and the habit forms I have with these. I spoke about my motivation and how I lay in bed and get excited about the day – it’s a habit. I spoke about my fear of anyone getting to know what I am feeling – another habit. I then started realizing that for things to change in these areas I need to change my habits.
I’ve been watching people around me. I see that some people, who are excited by life, attract others who are excited by life. The people that are attracted by these ‘life-lovers’ are not always themselves in that euphoric state yet, but are hanging with the ‘life-lovers’ to feed off them, learn from them and perhaps copy them, as habits are contagious in my eyes.
By consciously making a shift in my thinking I can become aware of my habits and how I want to change them. I also realize that I need to know specifically which ones I want to change and constantly work on them. I need to know that not everything has success from the word GO, but through perseverance and working at it, I will have new habits and in a few months won’t even be aware of how I do them any longer as they will become second nature to me.
A personal example I have that I keep reminding myself of; when I started in the Finance Industry, I would have to generate leads. I would meet people get their telephone numbers and then at a later hour, or day, I would need to contact these leads to set up appointments. I had so much difficulty making the calls. I even remember that a friend who sat with me as I made my very first call, laughed at me as I hung up and he asked me: “WHY are you so nervous?” I had a nervous timbre in my voice, my heart was beating loudly in my ears and my hand was shaking.
I look at how I make calls today, 6 years later, and I see that I am completely calm, I have a smile on my face, I speak with confidence and the telephone has become second nature to me.
I then think to myself – If I can do it with a telephone, why not with my personal mental and emotional habits as well? I want to change some of them and I want to wear them as a proud part of me and my soul as I walk through life.
Stripping yourself bare is hard at the best of times, but it allows us, as individuals, to grow. It’s not a rebirth but most certainly the feeling of spring after long cold winter. Everything starts growing again, looking fresh and clean and blossoms come out to just make one feel, well, happy. But you have to go through the stripping bare to get to that spring feeling and if you realize you are going to come out feeling springy than the goal is well worth the reward. But to get to that point we need to understand what it is we want to change about ourselves.
Our emotional habits and our mental habits are probably the hardest ones to break.
The mental habits are the ones that cause us to snap when we should hold our tongue. They make us say nasty things at times, and lest not forget how many of us have said hurtful things in arguments, when the words just seem to flow out of our mouths and we actually don’t really mean them. Later we regret ever having said them. Most of all it’s sometimes used as a below the belt tactic to really get that sting of what we are saying, to be felt. And we all know what it feels like when it’s done to us. Its things that we land up going over in our minds for days after wards, and feel really hurt by because it’s that kick in the groin that just won’t go away.
The emotional ones I think are the ones that are instigated by us, for some unknown reason. We flirt with someone and things go a bit too far and then we are left with wanting more but in reality the feeling is not felt on both sides. It takes the wind out of our sails and we mope around waiting expectantly for it to change, but it doesn’t.
These are just two examples that I can give right now as I am in the process of working through my own mental and emotional habits as we speak. It takes a lot of self control and patience to break these habits, but I believe they can be broken. You will have your own examples and I can guarantee you that there must be at least 10 things that we each do that we don’t like doing, but due to force of habit they just happen. What I’m trying to find is the trigger. What triggers these reactions, these thoughts and these emotions? What is the trigger that makes us flip a lid, or get jealous?
In some instances we may seek professional help but I personally believe that if we start seeing what triggers these habits to play up, we will well be able to break the habit. Of course we have to want to change in the first place and I do, so I’m seeking within myself what I want to change and what triggers the reaction.
What am I getting to about habits? I think its something I’ve been looking at a lot lately through my mental and emotional states and the habit forms I have with these. I spoke about my motivation and how I lay in bed and get excited about the day – it’s a habit. I spoke about my fear of anyone getting to know what I am feeling – another habit. I then started realizing that for things to change in these areas I need to change my habits.
I’ve been watching people around me. I see that some people, who are excited by life, attract others who are excited by life. The people that are attracted by these ‘life-lovers’ are not always themselves in that euphoric state yet, but are hanging with the ‘life-lovers’ to feed off them, learn from them and perhaps copy them, as habits are contagious in my eyes.
By consciously making a shift in my thinking I can become aware of my habits and how I want to change them. I also realize that I need to know specifically which ones I want to change and constantly work on them. I need to know that not everything has success from the word GO, but through perseverance and working at it, I will have new habits and in a few months won’t even be aware of how I do them any longer as they will become second nature to me.
A personal example I have that I keep reminding myself of; when I started in the Finance Industry, I would have to generate leads. I would meet people get their telephone numbers and then at a later hour, or day, I would need to contact these leads to set up appointments. I had so much difficulty making the calls. I even remember that a friend who sat with me as I made my very first call, laughed at me as I hung up and he asked me: “WHY are you so nervous?” I had a nervous timbre in my voice, my heart was beating loudly in my ears and my hand was shaking.
I look at how I make calls today, 6 years later, and I see that I am completely calm, I have a smile on my face, I speak with confidence and the telephone has become second nature to me.
I then think to myself – If I can do it with a telephone, why not with my personal mental and emotional habits as well? I want to change some of them and I want to wear them as a proud part of me and my soul as I walk through life.
Stripping yourself bare is hard at the best of times, but it allows us, as individuals, to grow. It’s not a rebirth but most certainly the feeling of spring after long cold winter. Everything starts growing again, looking fresh and clean and blossoms come out to just make one feel, well, happy. But you have to go through the stripping bare to get to that spring feeling and if you realize you are going to come out feeling springy than the goal is well worth the reward. But to get to that point we need to understand what it is we want to change about ourselves.
Our emotional habits and our mental habits are probably the hardest ones to break.
The mental habits are the ones that cause us to snap when we should hold our tongue. They make us say nasty things at times, and lest not forget how many of us have said hurtful things in arguments, when the words just seem to flow out of our mouths and we actually don’t really mean them. Later we regret ever having said them. Most of all it’s sometimes used as a below the belt tactic to really get that sting of what we are saying, to be felt. And we all know what it feels like when it’s done to us. Its things that we land up going over in our minds for days after wards, and feel really hurt by because it’s that kick in the groin that just won’t go away.
The emotional ones I think are the ones that are instigated by us, for some unknown reason. We flirt with someone and things go a bit too far and then we are left with wanting more but in reality the feeling is not felt on both sides. It takes the wind out of our sails and we mope around waiting expectantly for it to change, but it doesn’t.
These are just two examples that I can give right now as I am in the process of working through my own mental and emotional habits as we speak. It takes a lot of self control and patience to break these habits, but I believe they can be broken. You will have your own examples and I can guarantee you that there must be at least 10 things that we each do that we don’t like doing, but due to force of habit they just happen. What I’m trying to find is the trigger. What triggers these reactions, these thoughts and these emotions? What is the trigger that makes us flip a lid, or get jealous?
In some instances we may seek professional help but I personally believe that if we start seeing what triggers these habits to play up, we will well be able to break the habit. Of course we have to want to change in the first place and I do, so I’m seeking within myself what I want to change and what triggers the reaction.
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