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True happiness shared!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Recently I spoke about Intention, Attention and No stress. It was a motivational moment for me - the “ah-ha” moment that we should all have every now and then.

We all need to find inspiration and we all need to let that inspiration give us our own ah-ha moment. I think these moments of inspiration are what ultimately make us happy; happy in what we see, what we hear, what we do, who we are, where we are, etc etc etc. It was another inspirational moment when I understood what was being explained to me by another of my best friends. It was her ah-ha moment and it most certainly became one for me as well.

She says we all DO, GET, BE – explained as - we all DO things (like work) to GET things ( like cars, clothes) to BE happy. If you come to think about it its spot on to where we all are in our current lives in the current society that we live in as we do all do something to get something that we think will make us happy. I know I worked hard so that I could get the nice car, the big house and the accessories that went with it – including more expenses – which had me working more and more to get to a point of just getting even on the financial front. I thought it would make me happy and I thought it would all be plain sailing from there on.

But it wasn’t. I had the nice car and the big house and I was happy there, but it also created a lot of other unthought-of problems that eventually led to my downfall of happiness, leaving me very stressed which ultimately left me unhappy. What use is having all these things when you have to work like a dog to just make the payments on a month to month basis? I got burnt out, and am actually only now starting to feel like I am recovering – a year later. Amongst many other things happening in my life I lost my self motivation self esteem and will to fight for what I believed in! It’s been the most interesting and difficult phase of my life, but I can only now see it as I am heading out of it, and away from it.

Im recovering everything on the personal level as I move forward and thanks to the support of my friends and close family, my family, have I found the patience to find my self esteem again as well as my motivation and my fight! It was during this discussion with my best friend that the seed was planted and 6 months later I now fully understand the implications of living the DO, GET, BE life. I have manifested that I need to move away from it, and I am actually succeeding, day by day.

My friend encouraged me to rather live a life of BE, DO, GET
BE – happy, and DO the things that you love (here’s passion again) as then you will GET everything you have never even thought of, and more. As with the passion discussion, its one of those topics that makes me realize that I need to be happy in what I do. Everything else is really immaterial, as we are here on this earth for such a short space of time – a blink of an eye – so the material things should not be what we are striving for but a path of happiness is the road we should take.

Another “AH- HA” moment in my life 6 months ago, made me realize what I had always preached was not how I was living. But I am a better person for it today as I have taken the time out to learn more about myself and why I did it.
I am today because of what I did yesterday.
With this knowledge in hand, I am more prepared to face tomorrow with a new zest for life, motivated and fighting all the way. I understand that I need to be happy. In fact I am happy, and should not complain and yes, there are parts of my life that are a little more challenging, but as a whole, Im happy. It’s taken me a while to get this happy smile on my heart and in my life again, but it’s been worth every step to feel like I wake up euphoric some mornings.
It’s motivating in itself to awake euphorically in the morning.

I think it’s a wise moment to look at your life and understand where you are, then let go of -the Be Do Get and look at and grasp - the DO Get Be and see how you can manifest it, allowing you to get to your passion.

Lets all Be Do Get!

Manifest it now to the universe and make the shift!

It’s highly recommended – believe me!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts.

    You mentioned.

    "made me realize what I had always preached was not how I was living"
    "so the material things should not be what we are striving for but a path of happiness is the road we should take"
    You were looking for acceptance.
    Hope that you have learnt the lessons.
    Be Do Get.
    Enjoyed reading this blog entry.

