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True happiness shared!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

States of flow

I thought I had a crappy day yesterday. I was ready to just let the day be over, get into bed and sleep it away so as to awake this morning feeling refreshed and revitalized for a new day! So much changes so quickly in my life, I realized!

Having shut down my laptops, my cell-phone rang and I received an unexpected call from a friend in Italy! Being such an unexpected surprise call, my first reaction was “what’s wrong?” Thankfully there was nothing wrong, but in the process of a half hour telephone call I went through various emotions that moved me into such a good place emotionally. While I was on this long distance call I noted my phone beeping to see another call coming through which I returned once I had finished with my friend. It happened to be another friend who had just been given my number, and a person whom I had not spoken to in over a year! Another surprise!

IT got me thinking this morning about my mood swings in a matter of about 45 minutes. I had an embarrassing moment where I even blushed, I laughed, I listened, I spoke, but most importantly I thought of everything else but the Crappy day that I had and I went to bed with a smile on my face and thanked the universe for another day! I realized this morning that we are all faced with various states of thought and emotion. Recently I listened to a tele-seminar about how Thought + Emotion = Attraction! Is this what actually happened to me last night? As my thought patterns changed, my emotions lifted remarkably and I felt the attraction of being in a better state.

How do we call on these ‘peak-states’ to maintain a great sense of flow within ourselves, to make us feel better? Ive understood now that the “thought” part is who we want to be; the “emotion” part is what’s happening at present which is what gives us the “attraction” of what we are faced with at that moment. I think what I did come to understand is that we need to be happy NOW – this very moment.

Being happy now - with goals which are set for our future - allows us these peak states. I think what I need to start noting is what the development is to reach this peak state and note also when I am in the peak state. This peak state is a sense of happiness that allows good thoughts, good feelings and basically just having a smile all over your body, known also as a fabulous mood!

I want to be in this space all the time, don’t we all? I do know that thanks to a very special friend making the effort to call and chat, and a surprise long lost friend’s call I felt fantastic; I still do. A short brief moment has left a long standing sense of happiness within my soul and I can only say THANK YOU.

Perhaps we should all note that sometimes its nice to just call and say hello, no matter where you may be. It puts a smile in someone’s heart that may really need it at that moment in time. Unbeknownst to my friends, that is exactly what happened last night and I sit here today with a huge smile on my face still!

Today I feel my cosmic attraction is at a peak not reached in a long time! I need to accept that the universe will lead me in the right direction at times, and I don’t have to fight it.


  1. Great that you smiling ALL over again, you on the road again. Make sure that your seatbelt is fastened, air-bags in place. Precaution and planning will lead ypu I hope on a wonderful journey.
    Thanks for the reply to my comment on your last post.

  2. Charles,
    I really do feel like my air passages are opening up again and that I am breathing life in, as I should be. Stay tuned as life revs up and goes into open terain of adventure!
    Thank you for you constant support, encouragement and comments.
