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True happiness shared!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ever-changing horizons

2012 seems to be a topic that I’ve heard people talking about, I’ve spoken about it myself and Hollywood has made a movie on it. Many times the conversation is based around Hollywood’s –doomsday- saga! Yet another big budget blockbuster with all the bells and whistles to attract people in by the millions!
A few days ago “anonymous” wrote that she has been following my blog and she has had time to think about her own things in her life, and has come to the realization that she is happy. She has a wonderful family, is content and is blessed with great friends.

What is the comparison between anonymous’ comment and 2012? Nothing really, but it did get me thinking about what we believe for ourselves and the faith we have that lies therein. I suppose that’s what sparked the distant relation between the two. Faith is something so powerful; the faith in those around us, the faith in our family and friends but ultimately the faith that we have in ourselves - the most important one of all. I speak of faith as being a ‘believing sense’ that we all have – perhaps our 6th sense. I speak of faith in a broader spectrum that is not necessarily a religious topic, but does not exclude it either. Spiritually speaking is not necessarily talking about religion but awareness within ourselves, the environment around us and the universe that we all fit into.

Just after Hollywood released 2012, I went to see it on the big screen. I’m a bit of a sucker for a Hollywood action type movie as it’s a fantastic escape from all the pressures we face daily. I was in Barcelona and saw the movie in English in a VO (version original) cinema. Another friend had seen the movie in Spanish and over drinks one afternoon we discussed what we liked and didn’t like about the movie. It was a conversation that followed the path to a very interesting topic of the Mayans, Inca’s etc. and what was happening to the world we live in as we slowly walk towards 2012.

I found it very interesting that my friends’ perspective of 2012 was about a spiritual awareness that seems to be happening in the world. The fact that the calendars of these wise ‘old folk’ ends in this year is not about the end of the world but rather about the conscious awareness of how we see the world and how we will see the world thereafter. An awareness of sorts, that will awaken people’s minds and spirits to being more considerate towards the world we live in, themselves and others.

Its an interesting theory because I am looking towards my insides to find answers to my life. I hear more and more clients talking about their religious inclinations - be it Christianity, Muslims or even Buddhists? IT often has me thinking about what my beliefs are and how the universe interacts with all these religious beliefs taking into consideration other understandings, like astrology, numerology and the like. I read a Christian writing the other day where he spoke of his religion and how he has come to realize that he also believes in the universe, and to him this signified that he prayed to the stars because in reality that was his understanding of heaven – being up there in the stars.

The most important thing that I am taking out of this is that I believe they all work together; the religious, the spiritual, the esoteric, astrology, numerology etc etc. I see that people are realizing that there is so much more to the world we live in and are becoming less uncomfortable to discuss the way they feel and I see so much more conversations happening that are crossing boundaries never before crossed and it really excites me tremendously.

Maybe the Hollywood version of 2012 is not so far off – dooms day – to the old ways of our world and maybe anonymous has grasped this concept and found her happiness through sharing these things of herself with all those that surround her. The fact that she thought about it, took time to ponder on it and then write back is something that makes me so proud of what is being achieved in my life and my journey and coming to fruition through this blog.

I am a dreamer and I will always dream. I think great things are achieved by great dreamers and it comes to life through everything that surrounds us, seen or unseen, because of the faith we have in ourselves and those who surround us. Anonymous made me rethink where I am in life and reminded me that I am in my own paradise and need to realize it as I go. It’s not the one challenge that makes my life unhappy but rather the combination of all the bits I am feeling, thinking, going through and sharing that really makes my life very happy. Sure I have heart-wrenching parts in my life right now, but that’s also only one part. Through this heart-wrench I am discovering that no door is ever closed without another being open and that the universe is guiding me towards an even richer fulfilled life than I have already been blessed to have. I would like to have my 2 hearts with me, but I am now also understanding that everything happens for a reason and a lesson, perhaps a realization of where I am, where I need to be and where I am going.

A quote from Jana Stanfield so profound to me at the moment:
I cannot do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that I can do!


  1. Hi Its me "anonymous" here.

    I was having lunch today with one of my business partners, we started talking about how we communication in today's work place. E-mails, sms etc.. The subject of blogging was raised. He also blog's which was something I never knew. He is a serious type, suit kind of man. (Thats the way he is). I was interested in in his blog.

    When we got back to our offices, he e-mailed me the link to his blog.

    I read some of his posts, I now undertand him more. I discovered so much about him. We only know each other in a business relationship, and have never got to know each other due to our work situation.
    He read your blog as well, I think most if not all of your posts. I had mentioned your blog when we had lunch, and the complexity of what you say, and also how well written you blog postings are.

    From a fellow man's view point, I was intrigued what he would say. His comments were refreshing, as men you learn to hide your true feelings, you role play as the provider, the leader, head of the house etc. Society still expects men to act a certain way, and as my business partner said "men dont always show real feeling, for fear of rejection and being ridiculed".

    He also said that the you may have experienced some tramatic events recently, and that is why you are at a cross roads and going through this sole searching. I asked why, and all he said was, thats how men are, they are hunters. I never considered this. Your blog of today has more meaning to me, as I have a greater understanding of MEN. Or do I?

  2. The journey of self discovery begins with the immediacy of your freedom from what you are not and with the being of who you already are.

    It does not begin from within the illusion of your imagination, from the place of you believing yourself to be who you think you are. It does not begin from the place of seeking or thinking, or what you customarily know as "spirituality." Your persistence in who you think you are has you not realising who you are.

    Self is not something that you can look at. You cannot perceive it like all other perceivables. You cannot look directly down its throat. This self is not something that stands apart from who you are. It is who you are.

    You can only be the self that you are.

    And when you do begin this journey of discovering your self, discovering just what your heart is, you begin acquiring the taste of - and for – home.

    Self discovery is an "endless" journey of revelation of how rich the heart - who you are – is.

    The alignment of your conscious attention to this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your eyes right now and your coming to rest as this "aliveness" is your immediate freedom from what you are not and of your being this one that has always been true of you.

    No amount of thinking, concepts, attempting to do it from the disposition of who you think you are, is going to be of any help to you. There is no getting around the fact that you have to surrender and let go of who you think you are.

    The "central point" of self, as it is flowing through this mindbody that you drive around through, must be aligned to and come to rest as by you - and you can because it is who you are.

    It is so damn simple that you "western male mind"ers will simply not grok this nor do it - even though it is not a "doing." You will not let go of who you think you are to be what has always been true of you. But even you will finally come home to the heart of your self, eventually. No one can not come home to who they already are - it is the destiny of all to be who you are. How long you may take is an entirely different story though.

    Through being at rest as this one that is flowing through your very eyes right here right now, where you are immediately no longer entrapped and bound by who you think you are - this mindbody that you find yourself travelling around through, you find yourself with no where to go and no thing to do. Who you are is already here and all things are arising in this one that is who you are. There is nothing that is not already who you are. Whatever you attempt to "go for" is already in who you are.

    You become established as this one that is already who you are.

    Through being at rest as this one - self, the heart - and "going" no where to gain what is already arising in who you are, you begin to realize the enormity of this one that is who you are, energetically, intrinsically.

    Who you are already is.

    You can be who you are because you already are who you are - however, it is not who you think you are and this must be surrendered for you to come to rest as the one that is already true of you.

    The surrendering is in you focusing your attention to something other than your accustomed place of residence. Coming to rest as the very "thing" that is who you are.

    Being at rest as this one that is who you are, not doing anything else, simply free as the heart. Through abiding here, the mindbody that you are travelling around through begins to unravel its "bondage" of you. You find more free attention and energy to simply be this one that is who you are. As this occurs - not through you trying to do anything or manipulate anything - you realize more of what it is that is who you are.

    This journey of self discovery is the most wondrous of journeys. Why? Because it is one in which you are being who you already are - at home in the heart - not you being who you think you are - lost in the illusion of who you are not.

  3. As an extreme example, consider a heroin addict: taking heroin will make this person feel really good–for a little while. Then, when the drug wears off, the addict is left to face whatever problems the heroin was meant to be an escape from, plus whatever problems shooting up has caused–like getting arrested or using the rent to buy drugs, for instance. The bad choice of taking the drug causes bad situations that make the addict unhappy, so that taking more of the drug is that much more appealing, as a way to escape the unhappiness. The addict, his troubles, and his needle.

    All which is to say that bad choices and unhappiness work together to cause more bad choices and unhappiness. Weirdly enough, this is good news, because it means that if either the behavior or the unhappiness is interrupted, both the behavior and the unhappiness can be lessened.

    Getting back to our drug addict (who in a very general sense is in the same kind of bad as someone who overeats or doesn’t do the dishes regularly or avoids calling back clients when something goes wrong), this means that anything that makes life a little more bearable can make it a little easier to think about getting off the drug, and that getting off the drug (after withdrawal is over and the consequences are faced) automatically starts making life a little more bearable in some ways.

    Most of us have it much easier than the drug addict: if I start doing a better job of sorting my mail as it comes in, for instance, I’ll immediately start feeling a little better about my organization, unless the problem had gotten so bad that I needed to go through the shock of finding out what was in my mail first. And if I start feeling a little better about things, it will be easier to try organizing the mail more reliably.

    In the end, both parts of the cycle usually need work. After all, addictions don’t usually go away by themselves, nor do addicts tend to stay out of trouble long if staying out of trouble means they’re miserable all the time. But by attacking either of the parts alone to begin with–whichever is the easiest to affect–we can get an initial boost that will make following through that much easier.

  4. Being a man does come with responsabilities and certain pressures that make us generally just "shut up and get on with it!". Ive been there and done that - Im now taking the time to search for the me, searching what I like and discarding what I dont like. Its been, and still is, a trying phase, but in the same light most certainly the most wonderous journey of self discovery that Ive ever done. It is like a drug, and its giving me a high that makes me want to continue searching for more. My life has suddenly become exciting again. I feel like Christopher Columbus setting sail in search of an unchartered map and new world.
    I most certainly have found good and I have found bad, but thats what makes all of us human in the end. We are good at times and we are bad at times, but we are ALIVE! and being ALIVE is somthing to get so excited about, becasue life is really a blink of an eye, and worth exploring before it finishes!
    Thanks for the comments and feedback. Its always good to read how other perspectives are explained, and most certianly is taken in and digested by me and many others who read this blog.
